30 Mar Your Heart Has A Message For You | Weekly Tarot Reading | 3/28 – 4/12
Hello Tarot Family,
Your Weekly Tarot Reading is brimming with new and exciting news. Not only are you stepping into a fresh life cycle, but the possibilities are now limitless!
You could find yourself entering a phase you never would have expected before. New interests, new connections… the board is truly clear and a sudden twist of fate may enter and change the equation at any moment.
The most important message for you this week is to listen to your heart and follow your excitement. If you do, you’ll be excited and surprised at the results.
Alright, let’s take a look at your cards for this week, and develop a clear understanding of what’s to come.
Card #1: The Fool | Bright Eyed and Bushy Tailed

Are you excited for a fresh new start?
The Fool card represents feeling bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. Everything is vibrant, energizing, and new. Your possibilities seem endless. Grab this fabulous moment by the horns and ride it.
This is the best possible time to enjoy the coming excitement and take advantage of the creative spark you’ll be feeling.
You may have recently finished something very important, or had a breakthrough of some kind, and now you’re on cloud nine, or will be very soon.
Your circumstances might have changed drastically, and while there is adventure in the air, you might also be feeling unsure whether things will work out the way you would like.
Your ability to plan out and implement the next move might not be possible, so instead of trying to force it, let yourself bask in the glory of the exciting unknown that you now face.
It’s possible you’ve gotten used to a routine that no longer applies to your current situation, and now, without a game plan to follow, you feel a bit lost. This is okay!
In fact, it’s exactly where you’re meant to be. Trust the process and roll with it!
Let your inspiration guide you right now. Instead of sitting down and trying to figure out your next moves, let yourself be curious and follow your enthusiasm. The twists and turns of life could bring you an unexpected adventure you wouldn’t otherwise experience.
A simple conversation with a stranger, or a book that you pick up on a whim, could lead to a new passion or fantastic personal connection.
You just don’t know what’s going to happen at the present time, and that can be exciting if you let it be.
You are being asked to let go of the heady and heavy process of controlling every little detail.
As your next card indicates, you’re coming into the intelligence of your heart instead.
Card #2: Queen of Cups | Wisdom Of The Heart
Are you open to trusting your heart if it means you’ll find what’s really right for you in life?
The Queen of Cups implies warmth, kindness, and sensitivity. When the Queen of Cups is drawn, she is inviting you to listen to your inner-knowing. Having compassion for yourself, and listening to your heart will guide you along your journey and into your next big adventure.
When you’ve entered into the unknown, as indicated by The Fool, it’s important to slow down, and listen to what is emerging in your life.
If you are moving too fast, or afraid because you don’t know what will happen next, you might miss a fresh opportunity. Instead of rushing, slow down and notice where the new ideas, feelings, or insights are taking you. Tune in to your gut, and trust that your instincts are spot on.
You might meet a woman who is highly intuitive and gives you guidance during this time. She can act as a perfect mirror to help you see what’s going on in your life. She may even point out the gifts you might not have seen in yourself just yet.
Let yourself tap into the intelligence of your heart. Doing so will guide you in the direction of chance meetings and powerful realizations.
Reinforcing the message of The Fool, the Queen of Cups suggests that you drop your big mental plans and listen to the magic of synchronicity.
When we are willing to trust our intuition, we find ourselves in the right place at the right time. And that’s where the magic happens.
Rather than being an architect attempting to put all the pieces together, let yourself be a “feeling” detective. Search for what touches and inspires you at your core. Then follow that feeling.
It’s not always easy to put down the tasks, routines and schedules already in your life, but your next card wants you to take care of business, so you can focus on the bigger picture.

Card #3: Page of Pentacles | Being Dependable

Does it feel like the responsibilities in your life get in the way of your destiny?
The Page of Pentacles wants to remind you to take care of your obligations in an orderly and methodical manner. If you take your time, and get things done with care, you won’t feel so overwhelmed. You’ll have energy to follow your dreams.
You don’t have to change your entire life all in one fell swoop. Instead, continue to take care of your commitments, but do so knowing that afterwards, you can focus on what really excites and enlivens you.
Getting overwhelmed by all of the things going on in your life can disrupt your passion and drive.
Fighting what needs to get done, or resisting the less exciting tasks, will only create more confusion. The Page of Pentacles is reminding you to stay grounded and take care of business. Only then you can let go and follow your heart.
This Page brings a fantastic balance to the energy of The Fool, who can be naive and, well… foolish. The Fool is so excited and so filled with fantasy that he will step off the edge of the cliff without a second thought! And while this buoyant way of living is part of why we love him, it’s also important to remain somewhat practical in order to move ahead in life.
The Page of Pentacles is dependable, consistent, and therefore able to bring about sustainable change and progress.
Remember to do your due diligence with what’s already happening in your life, and it will pay off when you are then able to place that kind of attention on your dreams.
Taking A Leap Of Faith
You must be courageous in order to follow your dreams, and with The Fool energy surrounding you, there might be a lot of unknowns standing in your way.
This is the perfect time to surrender to what you can’t control, and get excited about what is possible. Give yourself permission to dream this week, and enjoy not knowing what might happen next.
The pathway forward depends on listening with your full heart and being honest with what you feel.
You know it’s good for you when your body responds with positive feedback, such as feeling relaxed, happy, or excited. Seize that awareness and use it as leverage to move upward and onward.
Pay close attention to the people and opportunities that strike a chord with you. If you find yourself researching something over and over again, maybe it’s time to take another step towards that place of interest.
Ultimately, you need to stay grounded in your current life, but that doesn’t mean you have to be bogged down by it.
Take on the tasks in front of you with diligence and commitment, but save time for the curious passion that might arrive at your doorstep.
Altogether, you have an exciting week ahead. Who’s to say what might occur at any moment? You’ll just have to wait and see. Revel in the anticipation!
And remember: Listen to your heart, above all.
With love,
And in service,
Jonathan Lionheart
P.S. How do you know when something is really right for you? What are the stories you tell yourself that keep you from stepping into something new and exciting? Leave me a comment here on our blog, and let me know!
P.P.S. If you are feeling totally stuck, or just unsure about what you need to move forward, you can schedule a private reading with me here.
Jessica deriso
Posted at 19:27h, 08 AprilI’m forever lost, I don’t know where I belong, I don’t even know who I am, I’ve always known what I have wanted but no matter how I try to make things happen, I feel I get further away . I kinda know what it is that I am doing wrong but at the times it feels like im doing the right thing. I always put aside my dreams for someone else, I always help people before I help myself and I think that what is holding me back, but helping others feels good even if it’s setting me back. Following my heart is what I have always done cuz I have a big heart and alot of love to share, that’s where I am at being lost cuz following my heart is what has seem to be holding me back from filling my dreams , if that makes any sense. Anyways I greatly appreciate your time and your reading, very inspiring . Thank you
Posted at 12:05h, 31 MarchHi Mr. Jonathan Lionheart ☺ thank you so much for the reading. You amaze me by revealing the message of my heart. I m following through dreams and my intuition. This journey is never been easy for me, but i’ve learned so much God, is so good to me.🙏 sending people like you☺ Jonathan Lionheary, to guide me. Again thank you so much🙏 God bless always🙏
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 13:13h, 31 MarchHello Everada, I’m so happy you are finding good people and guidance to help you along the way. Blessings to you, and thank you for saying hi 🙂
Charles Fagerstrom
Posted at 09:57h, 31 MarchWooahh! Words won’t Express this extraordinary, Amazing, Orgasmic wave of feeling/sense that is straight up fuckin realer than realest trust ever experienced. New World movement is here and its clear with no fear. Thank you Jonathan Lionheart for sharing your talent with us. Emails I receive from you always have a clear message right on point applying to circumstances I’m dealt. Thank You beloved; raining showers of blessing to you Love.
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 13:14h, 31 MarchHi Charles, thank you for sharing 🙂 I’m happy to hear you are experiencing the wonder of reality! Blessings to you as well my friend.
Dean Arthur Barker
Posted at 06:10h, 31 Marchthank you for my reading , it brought joy and happy tears because it was all true without you really knowing my situation. love and Kindness from Deano
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 13:15h, 31 MarchHey Dean, I’m so happy to hear the reading resonated with you. Love and kindness to you as well 🙂
Viviane Paolini
Posted at 04:07h, 31 MarchThe soul reading is right, I have too much control of my feelings without listening to my soul. I should surrender this control. will I?
I was betrayed by my ex husband, and the fear is here, I should forget that awful man and have a happy life without these controls.
Your reading is wonderful and illuminating and telling me to listen to my heart and go ahead.
Thank you Jonathan
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 13:17h, 31 MarchHi Viviane, thank you for sharing 🙂 Yes letting go of control is a powerful move… that being said, it takes time and kindness to yourself to do so. Be patient, the process of letting go is one of learning to trust yourself and Spirit. The more you can lovingly help the parts of yourself that are afraid, the more they will let go. Blessings 🙂
Posted at 03:46h, 31 MarchYour reading is amazing. I’m not good enough is generally keeps cropping up & prevents manifestation.
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 13:18h, 31 MarchHey Alison, maybe you can have a gentle conversation with the belief you are not good enough. See what that part of yourself has to say, and let your wisdom speak to it as well. Blessings
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 13:18h, 31 March🙂 <3
Cheryl Yvonne Eroh
Posted at 01:49h, 31 MarchConfirmation thank you
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 13:18h, 31 March🙂
Cheryl Yvonne Eroh
Posted at 01:48h, 31 MarchI would like to first thank you for the reading. I feel that what no longer serves me is moving away from me and everything is as it should be . I am excited for the new blessings and i see it clearly in my dreams i also feel it and i have faith .My spiritual gifts have heightened and im excited . i can get the answers from spirit that i need i can hear see and smell spirits now and they also speak to me and now im helping people in my dreams i was born this way and im grateful for my gifts to assist others who may need help . i have a new job where i can travel. I am happy for the opportunities that are bestowed upon me also i start school soon and even though it was difficult to leave some people behind im happy and i have learned to love me 1st and heal so what i want to attract o have to be in the space to receive. I have had my guides to visit me and i let go of things and just be on the moment and it will happen as it should be i keep faith in believing that and i still pray for those who have wronged me i no longer focus on them and their actions i am at peace no matter what happens and i keep a smile on my face because things that hurt you in the past doesn’t control your future . know that i pray for everyone even those that i dont know bless you all
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 13:20h, 31 MarchHi Cheryl, thank you for sharing your wisdom and experience with us! You are in a blessed state, and I am happy to hear how you are choosing to live, and courageously owning your gifts and your way of being. Thank you 🙂
Betty Barlow
Posted at 18:41h, 30 MarchWhat a fabulous reading for me, except that I have had no obligations for years now.
I have manifested the perfect neighbors for the acreage on either side of me.
A bachelor on one side who is spiritual, and his best friend who sold Cirque de Soleil in 2019 bought on the other side. I’ve been alone in this garden on the ocean for 17 years next month.
Last Saturday they had an 11 hour shamanic concert like nothing I’ve ever experienced on my neighbors land.
Just when I was wondering if the whole rest of my life was just keeping my place beautiful….not complaining mind you, I feel a plan unfolding….💖😀
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 13:22h, 31 MarchHey Betty 🙂 Thanks for commenting! Isn’t it amazing how when we feel there is nothing left to do, a new plan begins to birth!? Love hearing your experience and process. Let us know -when the time is right- this new movement that is starting to bloom. Blessings
Posted at 15:25h, 30 MarchThis is awesome, you are 99:99% singing my life with your song, you are a divine intervention in my life. My many thanks to you for all the readings so accurate.
But… could you believe I’ve met the stranger woman encouraging and guilding me on how to go about my path, I’ve seen the book that shows up in this reading, , I’m going through challenges you spoke of, I’m somehow lost in what next move i need to, but I stay trusting the Universe to lead my path.
Ones again, you are awesome and thanks a million.
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 15:26h, 30 MarchHi Iserhein, I’m happy the readings have resonated. And how great you met a guide! Sounds like you are making great moves for yourself, and learning to trust. Blessings 🙂
Kathleen M Cadigan
Posted at 14:01h, 30 MarchAwesome! Too the T. 😊
Thank u.
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 15:02h, 30 MarchThanks Kathleen, nice to hear from you 🙂
Kelly Bossard
Posted at 13:48h, 30 MarchYour writing reaches my soul. I understand you! Thank you! Your gift is divine.
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 15:03h, 30 MarchHey Kelly, thank you 🙂
Guylaine Deschenes
Posted at 13:48h, 30 MarchThis is write on the spot thank you i needed to remind myself to take my time and things wil arrive trust the unniverse! Thank you
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 15:04h, 30 MarchYou’re welcome Guylaine, thanks for saying hi 🙂
Sayak kundu
Posted at 12:55h, 30 MarchHey Jonathan
First of all a BIG THANK YOU from my heart.I have been seriously taking your readings for the past 2 weeks and 99.99% of it is coming true
This week tarot reading is also very special for me.Already I ahve got a intutive woman who is ready to help me move my life to the next levvel,.when I read this page today.Next is letting go and being certain.Yes I am currently uncertain what to do at present .
So this week I am going to let go,listen to my intution and heart calling.Feel what drives me and motivates me and do not worry on the details.And yes I am too going to take a Leap of Faith this time now.
And yes I have reached an important point in my life.I can’t say exactly it is a breakthrough or on a cloud nine but it is a mixture of both..For the last days a lot of Negative and Limiting blocks have been removed form my mind as I took action.My mindset is on a far high level today and ready to go the next level brimming with confidence.
The one thing I need to manifest right now is some 💰 and I am confident I can manifest soon.
Thank you again🙏🙏❤️❤️
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 15:05h, 30 MarchHi Sayak, I’m so happy to hear the growth and positive movements you are making! Keep going 🙂 Thanks for saying hi 🙂
Loree Rae Dexter
Posted at 07:57h, 30 MarchI Really need to manifest by the end of the month and I can’t seem too, I do not want to miss out on my calling or mission in life, I have waited my whole life for this. Please is there a way you can help me? Will you please pray for me? I do not and haven’t had any money to purchase the audios that are being sent to me
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 15:08h, 30 MarchHi Loree, I will send prayers your way. It has not been my experience that we miss our calling. Rather, our entire life is a process of developing our calling. We have to continue to grow to the capacity to be able to meet the calling, and when we do it aligns more and more. So rather than worrying about missing out, keep working on yourself and foraging forward with what aligns in your heart. You will continue to find your way 🙂
Marianna Radisic
Posted at 07:24h, 30 MarchIt’s hard to believe in you
because I am not happy at all It’s like a fantasy for me nothing comes true Every time I heard things will get better I heard that before Never happens
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 15:10h, 30 MarchHi Marianna, I’m sorry to hear you’ve felt let down. Often we live with a particular way of perceiving life. When that lens on life is negative and filled with the blurriness of our injuries, it is very hard to see when life is offering us ways to make things better. These readings are opportunities to find new ways of working with ourselves and our lives. It’s not often that a miracle simply shows up and changes everything (though it does happen) usually, in my experience, we have to be willing to take action in our own circumstances and in our own way of seeing life for changes to be received and integrated. So much love to you 🙂
Maria Minerva Jaramillo
Posted at 05:50h, 30 MarchThank You Jonathan, I am So Excited for this New Cycle I will Let you know What This week brings, Love💝And Light💖 Marie Minerva
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 15:11h, 30 MarchHey Maria 🙂 I’m excited to hear how things go! Blessings 🙂
Evangeline Morrison
Posted at 05:29h, 30 Marchi always feel the need for a safty net. There fore i return to familiar things, people and places. I am going to take a leap fo faith and believe in myself and let shit go this week. Venture out of my box. Just a little.. heheeh Thank you Jonathan. Hugs and love
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 15:12h, 30 MarchHey Evengeline 🙂 Excited for you! Enjoy stepping out of the box a bit. Let me know how it goes.
Posted at 04:46h, 30 MarchThis woman is very vindictive and evil 🦹♀️ and it’s frustrating me because she don’t want to let him go . He wants to come to me and tell me everything but she’s keeping him back in coming to me
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 15:12h, 30 MarchI’m sorry to hear this. May it work out with grace.
Posted at 04:45h, 30 MarchHi , I don’t know if this has to do with my relationship with someone but I feeling he wants me but there’s some blockages and needs to be remedied soon. We live one another but some obstacles
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 15:13h, 30 MarchHey Michelle, sounds like you are looking into what’s getting in the way. A great step in finding what might be in the way! Blessings
Edmond Andrews
Posted at 03:57h, 30 MarchMoney
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 15:13h, 30 MarchMay it flow like a wild river!
Edmond Blake Andrews
Posted at 03:55h, 30 MarchMake money for everything I am at the bottom of the barrel I have a few projects I have investor or money came in Into me I can solve my problems God-bless you than the angels in hopefully a miracle come through thank you so much Edmond Blake Andrews
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 15:14h, 30 MarchHey Edmond, blessings to you as well. And may the right investors find you!
Sheryl Woon
Posted at 03:48h, 30 MarchHi again Jonathan
I am so excited at this point in time and I know the move I’m making is the best thing for me myself and I. I will learn to be spiritual once settled in the right home and I know I will open so many doors once I know my full capabilities. I haven’t felt this happy and excited for longer than I can remember and reading this is just another feather in the hat.
Thank you so much Jonathan
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 15:16h, 30 MarchHey Sheryl, congratulations on this exciting time for you! May you find the right place, and the doors open with ease and beauty!
Geofrey wanke
Posted at 03:31h, 30 MarchIt was really pleasant and calming reading the tarot:)
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 15:16h, 30 MarchHappy to hear this Geofrey. Blessings to you my friend
Athena Le
Posted at 03:26h, 30 March❤❤❤
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 15:17h, 30 March<3