20 Apr Your Inner Child Is Calling | Weekly Tarot Reading | 4/18 – 4/24
Hello Tarot Friends,
Welcome to a fresh new week, with a very auspicious and exciting reading.
Sometimes there are just a few stray threads holding us back from great satisfaction and enjoyment in life.
This is exactly where you are right now!
The reading this week is calling on you to break through the uncertainty and move beyond old disappointments into a vibrant and rewarding future.
You might be surprised by the overflowing love and creativity that’s on its way this week.
So let’s take a look at some of what might be holding you back from the bounty awaiting you just around the corner.
Card #1: Five Of Cups | Mistakes Were Made
Are you beating yourself up about a mistake you’ve made? Have you suffered a loss that you don’t know how to get beyond?
The Five of Cups indicates that something didn’t work out the way you wanted. Instead of moving on though, and letting go of the past, you are dwelling on it, which is keeping you bound and gagged in your current situation.
When we can’t get beyond a disappointment or a challenging loss, it can really feel like there is no hope. And the truth is, you can’t change what has already happened. But there is always hope for the future, if you’re willing to shift your perspective.
The Five of Cups can symbolize an unwillingness to learn from your mistakes. Even if it wasn’t your fault, or there was nothing you honestly could have done to stop what happened, it’s like you keep kicking yourself, or arguing with the unchangeable reality of the situation.
Once you decide to see your challenges as something to learn from, you can let yourself off the hook and move on.
If you look at the card image, there is a man lost in his grief over his three spilled cups, even though two are still intact. On the path ahead, however, there is a new and inviting castle awaiting him. The river between him and the castle represents the emotions he is trapped in, and these emotions are preventing him from taking his two unspilled cups onward to new hope and possibility.
The Five of Cups wants you to come to terms with what you’ve lost, and swallow the bitter pill of reality – that you can’t change what’s already happened. You can, however, forgive yourself and begin to move forward.
Your circumstances can only change if you transform your perspective. Playing a sad or frustrated old song over and over again in your head will only keep you stuck.
This is not meant to minimize what you have lost or experienced, but it is a call for you to recognize the wisdom and strength you’ve gained, and then take the next step.
You might have experienced pain in your life, and real struggles that have forced you to grow. However, the suffering you continue to experience is a sign that you are dragging your feet.
Rather than getting back on the horse, and choosing to get on board with where life wants to take you, you might be resisting and complaining. Or, you might be afraid to take the risk of becoming more than you’ve ever been before.
So it’s time to suit up. Remember how resilient you truly are, and bravely face the call of your destiny. Yours fears are only as powerful as the strength you give them. Stare them down and move on.
It’s also possible you are in the grips of needing to make a decision that will require a sacrifice. You know what needs to happen, but it’s not an easy decision, because you’ll have to let go of other opportunities.
Either way, you won’t be locked into these emotions for long. Your next card is a reminder to connect with the playful, spontaneous part of yourself: your inner child.
Card #2: Page Of Cups | It’s Time To Play
Could you use some lightness and playfulness in your life?
The Page of Cups represents innocence, sensitivity and childlike wonder. Your inner child has a message for you from deep within your unconscious, if you’re willing to listen.
Some people roll their eyes when they hear, “connect with your inner child.” It’s become almost cliche, and is generally overused and misunderstood.
But guess what? That fabulous feeling when everything just seems right… where your heart is bubbly and filled with life… that’s your inner child.
You know the feeling. It’s that sublime moment when creativity and vitality are flowing easily through you. Ideas and fantasies come with ease, and the heavy load of work and life suddenly seems to have less power over you.
This delicious sensation is your inner child feeling loved and welcomed, filling you with joy and admiration.
You are entering a period when connecting with the playful, creative side of yourself will bring great rewards. It’s not that the inner child is going to lead you to more money, or to the perfect romance. Rather, he or she will open the doorway to your creative magical self… which could easily lead you somewhere beyond your wildest dreams.
Giving your previous card, the Five of Cups, particular consideration, you might be feeling like you’re stuck in a world of worries related to the past. The Page of Cups wants you to stay open to your imaginative powers. Rather than seeing the struggles in front of you as immovable barriers, be playful with them.
Get creative and have some fun!
If a negative voice in your head wants to point out the things you’re doing wrong, bring your inner child into the conversation. What does the magical innocence of your inner child have to say about the criticisms and heavy thoughts you are having?
How would a child transform the negative ideas about life and reality you are giving so much attention to?
You may have noticed how children can be utterly upset one moment, and then laughing and smiling the next. This is a time to let yourself drop the burdens of life, and start to playfully imagine the possibilities for the future.
It’s quite possible you’ll be experiencing a sudden burst of energy and enthusiasm this week. What felt overwhelming or insurmountable will pop like a bubble.
Go with it. This is not a time to ruminate on the darker side of life, instead be playful. Watch your favorite cartoon movie, or take out the finger paints. Whatever you do to touch base with the beautiful child within you, let yourself dive in fully and give that part of you a lot of rope!
It may seem out of reach, but the truth is that just a taste of your inner child’s loving vibrancy can put your whole life back on track.
Your next card is a sign that a fabulous alignment is possible, and to let your dreams and excitement run wild.
Card #3: Nine Of Cups | Feeling Satisfied
How would it feel to have your dreams come to fruition?
After a long journey through the suit of cups, the Nine of Cups is an indication of satisfaction, joy and prosperity. You have experienced the ups and downs of life, and are now on the verge of integrating these lessons, allowing a greater sense of accomplishment into your head and heart.
There might be a long-term desire or dream you have needed to put on the back burner while you dealt with other things. The Nine of Cups is a sign that you can achieve what you originally set out to do, so it’s time to reconnect with what inspires you!
All of your life’s challenges have prepared you for this next step. Even though time has passed, and it’s felt like a roundabout way to get what you have desired, you’re now poised to be able to build the life you’ve always wanted.
The Nine of Cups wants you to free yourself to dream big again. Get inspired, and think bigger than you have in the past. Let your desires soar, and they will take you further than you could have expected.
As indicated by your first card, the Five of Cups, it’s time to cut the cord of the past, and let yourself feel excited about what’s possible for the future.
The Nine of Cups is a sign you can truly have what you are wanting, and that it’s time to follow your heart!
By letting go of past mistakes, you may begin to see just how blessed you already are. The more you are aware of how much you already have, the more you magnetize even better situations into your life.
So pay attention to what you can already be grateful for, and don’t be surprised if new opportunities come knocking.
Self Love = Freedom
The Five of Cups represents a barrier you have to get beyond so you can put your energy towards what you truly want. In order to move ahead, and take up the mantle of your dreams, you must be willing to let go of old disappointments.
This is a time to forgive and love yourself.
You can do it! The Page of Cups brings your inner child to life, as the secret ingredient to this next successful chapter. If you continue to beat yourself up about what’s happened in your life, you will also keep the magic of your inner child at bay.
Your inner child represents the heart, and the heart is what brings together all of the different pieces. When you feel confused or lost, or like nothing is working out, the heart is the key to finding your way back home.
There is simply nothing more powerful when it comes to remembering who you truly are and what you are capable of than the profound love of the heart.
Love is a binding and integrating energy, so shine forth that joyful self, because a sense of satisfaction. Even your grandest wishes might be coming true, just around the bend.
With love,
And in service,
Jonathan Lionheart
P.S. What stories do you tell yourself that keep you from living your best life? Is there something you’re ready to let yourself off the hook for? Leave me a comment here on our blog, and let me know!
P.P.S. If you’re having a hard time letting go of something from your past, or you’re wondering when you’ll catch a break, you can schedule a private reading with me here.
Melissa A Hasler
Posted at 01:02h, 27 AprilRelationship mistakes. Not feeling I deserve better or more.
Viviane Paolini
Posted at 06:02h, 24 AprilThank you Jonathan,
I just let go of the past that was getting me chained. I realized what was it with your reading.
As ususal you are right, I hope that my change of heart is oppening the door that I wish so much to go through.
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 14:19h, 26 AprilMe too Viviane, may it be so!
LeeAnne Molly Puti Puti Tahuri
Posted at 02:21h, 23 AprilHi Jonathan
Thank you for the reading.
And wow I have been working on healing my Inner Child for sometime time now,. There was a road block as mentioned that I couldn’t see,
Although we had shared many tears, fowl language excuses shame and blame the one thing I did not do was acknowledge how far the journey has brought me.
I am working with new vision and insight.
Thank you once again for opening my eyes to close the gap.
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 14:20h, 26 AprilHappy to hear you have gained more insight, and good for you for putting in the work! Keep going, you’re doing great!
Mary Messano
Posted at 04:53h, 22 AprilWhat stories do you tell yourself that keep you from living you best life? That things cannot change in a heartbeat. Being in a marriage for over 40 years, 18 children later. Your man walks out over 5 years ago. Is a hard blow. I have very strong beliefs about marriage. I’ve tried to see if their was still hope their. But it seems the more I pursue. The more he withdraws. It has become a vicious cycle. Is their something I’m ready to let yourself off the hook for? Well I find myself beating myself up and blaming myself for what has happened. My children are alll pretty much grown and moved away. My youngest is 18.
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 22:15h, 22 AprilHey Mary, thanks for sharing 🙂
Nancy Durand
Posted at 02:04h, 22 AprilJonathan, thank you for your message posted 4/2o, although I am very sad right now but will try to be positive hoping that things will change.
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 22:15h, 22 AprilHey Nancy, things always do change 😉
Alimoalim Ahmed
Posted at 22:00h, 21 AprilThank you my reading trotting
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 22:15h, 22 Aprilsure thing Alimoalim 🙂
Posted at 21:53h, 21 AprilI have been working on exactly what you said here today. Because I’m getting rid of the negativity from my past everything is falling into place just as you said.
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 22:16h, 22 AprilBeautiful! Thank you for sharing Woogena
Posted at 21:20h, 21 AprilI really love how you integrate the cards and weave an insightful narrative in all the readings you’ve sent us. This one resonates for sure with me about needing to stop focusing on past mistakes and keep moving forward, Actually , it worked out rather quite as you said, very nice!
If we’d like to look into an issue more in depth, would you be available for individual consultation? and how would we be able to get in touch with you?
Thank you so much Jonathan for your weekly readings!
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 22:18h, 22 AprilHi Mai 🙂 I’m so happy the readings have touched you! In depth and private readings can be schedule here: https://calendly.com/jonathan-lionheart
Posted at 21:03h, 21 AprilHi Jonathan, the main theme all through my life has been that I’m not good enough to have an enduring relationship, to progress in my career and so on. But now I’m learning to be easier on myself & not judge myself harshly for what’s been and gone.
I just want to thank you for your incredible readings.
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 22:19h, 22 AprilWhat beautiful insight you are finding Alison, and I am so happy you are bringing more compassionate with yourself! Thank you for sharing 🙂
Alicia Tipping
Posted at 12:47h, 21 AprilThank you for the information. My situation is one of harassment, intimidation, evil from next door neighbour. We are moving. However, this is wareing, and tiring. This is 24/7 noise abuse. We are into the 5th year. Moving day can’t come soon enough.
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 22:20h, 22 AprilMay the move be graceful and just what you need 🙂
Posted at 09:29h, 21 AprilThank you for continuing to send me reading and I need to hear. Today really really Hit me it was bad on camera is that I know and have been thinking about my pass And the guilt that lingers, it’s unbelievable.. Knowing it and doing it are definitely two different things!! But acknowledging and getting in the right frame of mind is the right step in my new journey.. And I will prevail. Thank you, blessings to you🙏. I know the cosmic universe plays a large part in our lives and who we are. PLEASE PLEASE continue to share the cosmic universe and knowledge TO US readers💕
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 22:21h, 22 AprilWill do! Thank you Catherine <3
Lauren Kristy Perks
Posted at 07:55h, 21 AprilRight on The Mark , I love that I can see these energies around me <3
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 22:21h, 22 AprilThanks Lauren 🙂
Nadia Malik
Posted at 01:42h, 21 AprilHi Jonathan
Thankyou for your cosmic updates I always look forward for your weekly blog.You are a wonderful source of guidance for me.I have 2 children and I m going through a divorce.I loved my ex to be very much.I even raised his 3 years old daughter.Raisined his daughter selflessly with my two children.Nothing worked.I was in an abusive relationship for many years but I left him last year.My heart is sorrowful Divorce is very painful for me but slowly I m getting there Thankyou for your beautiful guidance ❤️❤️❤️
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 22:22h, 22 AprilThank you for sharing Nadia. I’m sorry for the pain of divorce, and you will get through it, and there will be more ease and joy again.
ingrid seals
Posted at 16:24h, 20 AprilThank you Jonathan. I needed your advise, though I have had problems moving forward. Was a caregiver for 8 years, 3 years mourning after that. Lost all my mojo for painting or playing piano, but have a strong desire to get back to all of that. Ingrid
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 19:21h, 20 AprilHey Ingrid, thank you for sharing 🙂 May you find your way back to those soulful arts once again.
Teresa Burchell ( Now Douglas)
Posted at 16:18h, 20 AprilThank you so much, Jonathon, for the reading today! You have really opened my eyes as to what has been holding me back from the life I so much want and desire. As of today, I am letting go of my past love, so that I can put my focus on the one I have right in front of me! I want to write the final chapter of my life, not to be stuck in the past where I will die alone and lonely. I will be 65 this September, and I still have a lot of living to do! I have always loved your tarot readings. They are always so in depth and easy to understand. You are a fantastic young man, and you will go a long ways in your life!
All my love,
Teresa B.
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 19:22h, 20 AprilThank you Teresa 🙂 and blessings on living your life fully! may you find each day a reason to live with even more depth and love! Thank you for saying hi.
Janet Rolfe
Posted at 15:42h, 20 AprilThank you Jonathan for your professional insight! I have been struggling for years regarding my current relationship..I lost my true love to a heart attack in 2004..I was so distraught and looked for a replacement to fulfill my lonliness..I wish I hadnt…..I married my replacement 2 years later knowing it was not what I truly wanted…I tried to make it work for 15 years and discovered a very dark side of my partner.. He was angry about women due to a bad marriage, He was greedy and heartless in many ways..He developed cancer of his bladder and prostate 6 yes ago and I felt trapped..He had intimacy problems from day one. He recently lost his mom and that basically was his life the past 15 years….I want so badly to pursue my life goals and dreams but am having a hard time leaving to be alone and regain myself before him.. Im thinking of just coming out with the truth and tell him, I liked us when we were dating and I don’t want to be married any longer because I don’t like us now…pray for me Jonathan that I can do this
.I only have 10 to 15 years to be happy as I’m 68 this year..I so want my happiness…Alone
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 19:24h, 20 AprilHi Janet, thank you for your courageous share. It sounds like you know what is true for you at this time, and yet I hear just how big a decision that is for you. May you find a graceful way to follow your heart, and to remain in integrity with your deepest soul! Sending prayers and blessings.
Posted at 14:53h, 20 AprilDa, res je, – naše srce je kot otrok, ki ga nosimo v sebi.
To je otoška duša, ki išče ljubezen na takšen, ali drugačen način, da zadosti potrebe svojega srca.
Kriči, in se jezi, za kar išče pozornost, in ljubezen staršev, nevede, da ljubezen izhaja iz notranjosti duše slehernega, ki to posreduje.
Glede na to, da se vsi z leti spreminjamo, naš pogled postaja vse bolj jasen iz vidika izkušenj, ki smo jih pridobili v preteklem življenju.
Pa kljub temu, srca se ne da pretentati, le da se osteveti z zunanjimi vplivi, in kjer njen teritorij ostaja kot previlegij lastnega bitja..
Ko otroka razvajamo, se ne zavedamo, kako to vpliva na njegov razvoj, kajti otrok ne prepozna tiste notranje ljubezni, ampak je usmerjen, in na vse ugodnosti,
ki so drugačnega značaja.
Vsi nosimo otroka v sebi, le prepoznati ga moramo, ga vzgajati v srečnega, z ljubezni polnega človeka, ki se bo zavzemal za pravico, in resnico v slehernem trenutku našega življenja.
To pišem iz mojih lastnih izkušenj, ki je edino verodostojno na podlagi bistva, in doživetega.
Ljubezen ni igrača, ki se jo s časom naveličaš, in zapustiš, AMPAK JE ČUSTVO, KI Z NJO ŽIVIŠ.
Z vsem spoštovanjem
Posted at 14:36h, 20 AprilHello,
First time I reply here. I’m often very guarded & shy away from sharing my thoughts. But today, after reading bout my inner child, I was interested & happy, wanted to share.
I have always felt like a child. Continue to but this causes me to also shy away from real hurts & disappointment’s. I push my feelings so far down, I ignore em cause they hurt too much to confront. My biggest issue abandonment is what has kept me holding on to my first love. Even though he remarried yrs ago, has a child & I met someone who helped me raise our daughter he & his family ignored.
I often go back to my inner child to find that comfort, playfulness and viewing life in a new way. I often feel stuck but I keep trying. Feel like Alice in that rabbit hole trying to find my way back. I’ll get there.
Thank you for your guidance and reading’s.
Much love & light to you.
Diane Zippel
Posted at 11:36h, 20 AprilFantastic You are right on the button How wonderful you are Appreciate all your knowledge and help Thank you so much Diane x
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 14:35h, 20 AprilSure thing Diane 🙂 Thanks for saying hi.
Jomarie moscosa
Posted at 07:58h, 20 AprilThank you for always send me a Mail like this! This is very Helpfull for me to look forward in life! 💕 i do Relate to some messages! More power to all of you Guys! U help our Mental health Through this Trying times!
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 14:35h, 20 AprilHey Jomarie, I’m happy to hear you are appreciating our emails 🙂
Lucia A Parkes
Posted at 06:51h, 20 AprilDear Jonathan Lionheart,
I have no words to describe how grateful I feel every time I read the cosmic updates you provide for me.
How can you possibly know how difficult and painful my life has been for two years. A romantic relationship gone wrong has nearly depleted me of ever feeling happy again.
Now thanks to you, I feel I can live again without pain. You are an insightful soul!
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 14:36h, 20 AprilHey Lucia, thank you for sharing. I’m happy to hear you are moving towards hope and joy again 🙂
Anne Ryan
Posted at 06:31h, 20 AprilEverything you said felt so true, hopefully I will learn to love myself and let go of the past mistakes, which I feel I keep repeating
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 14:36h, 20 AprilHey Anne, you can do it 🙂
Leigh Anne Roberts
Posted at 06:03h, 20 AprilSURVIVOR OF Infant/ childhood molestation from my father, Survivor of Teen homelessness at 13. SURVIVOR OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE, RECOVERING ADDDICT 7 YEARS JOW.
AND NOW THE MURDER IF MY pregnant 25 yr. Old Daughter. I saved the baby she had 2 other boys at the time 8&4 .
Struggling to find someone who is as loyal doesn’t treat other women better. I admit I am hard to deal with And I know everyone’s going through or been through stuff. Can’t I for once not worry about how others feel. I am sensitive to others. Thank you
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 14:38h, 20 AprilHey Leigh, I’m sorry for the struggles you’ve faced. You are clearly a warrior, and I hope you get to lay down some of your burdens at some point. Yes, for those of us who are sensitive it can be hard not to always feel others. It’s so important to find ways to return to your own feelings and bring your attention to yourself when you can. Sending love.
J. Rose
Posted at 06:00h, 20 AprilI wouldn’t have read this if I hadn’t had a dream where there was a child drowning. I knew it was a part of me and I didn’t know what to do. This really helps. Thanks Lionheart!
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 14:39h, 20 AprilHey J. Rose, often the unconscious reaches out through dreams. Sounds like you’re listening 🙂 thanks for sharing.
michael shinn
Posted at 05:43h, 20 AprilI lost a relationship with a woman i cared deeply about and i cant seen to let it go. Even though it was not the best relationship I ever had. Im getting old now and im afraid of dying all alone.
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 14:40h, 20 AprilHi Michael, thank you for sharing. It may be that your own Anima is asking for your attention. May you find a connection that is nourishing to you my friend.
Lanie Cubay
Posted at 05:08h, 20 AprilYes it’s true I done this, i need to let go my past… Thank you so much for sharing. I amaze of your wonderful messages. 😘
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 14:41h, 20 AprilSure thing Lanie 🙂 <3
Anita Hetherington
Posted at 04:42h, 20 AprilYou have been sooo spot on! Everything you have predicted, according to the Tarot, has been so relevant! I so look forward to seeing your future readings!
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 14:41h, 20 AprilHappy to hear from you Anita 🙂 thank you for sharing <3
Evangeline Morrison
Posted at 04:41h, 20 AprilHi Jonathan, Thank you for this awesome message. I can so relate. I feel like a failure.. Failed daughter/child. Failed teenager, failed mother, failed marrage, failed relationships, …..
I just cant take anymore honest criticism.
Not all critcisim is comming from within, Most of it is already there and What is happening is I am accepting negitive feedback from outside sources, as advise.
I know I have to look to trusted friends and family for honest feedback It is just like you said, My self talk is taking me out with the least negitive comments.
i am tired,,
I am aware and working on this as we speak.
I am looking forward to growing and I hope i can allow myself to enjoy what life has in store for me … despite what others are doing or saying. Amen
Ps. All the work you do is a blessing for so many , I am one … Hugs and love
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 14:55h, 20 AprilHi Evangeline, you are doing great. There isn’t anywhere else you need to be but where you are right now, and you are learning exactly what you are needing to learn. Keep loving yourself up, you are headed in a great direction.
Rebecca A Carper
Posted at 04:09h, 20 AprilThat was a very nice reading and a very nice surprise and very encouraging and optimistic and all around great reading! You truly are helping the world. Thank you for sharing your talent.
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 14:55h, 20 AprilHi Rebecca 🙂 thanks for your kind words. Sending love your way <3
Cynthia Old
Posted at 03:58h, 20 AprilJonathan, yes I beat myself up because I am 56 and have nothing to show for my years in life. I’m learning to LOVE myself and all my flaws though and I now know that there is still time for all that but that I have 5 Beautiful, wonderful, intelligent amazing, caring, children that have these amazing little grandchildren of mine that I need to spend time with teaching them what I know, Loving them with a love only a grandma could Love them with and giving back the knowledge I have aqquired. I’m so ready to move on, take me to the next place, Dear Universe.
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 14:57h, 20 AprilHi Cynthia, 5 wonderful children and grandchildren sounds to me like something to show for your years of life. Not to mention your experience and wisdom. Thank you for sharing Cynthia. Keep passing on good love and care 🙂
Donna Morgan
Posted at 03:54h, 20 AprilI have had two things in my life I can’t let go of. My daughter Megan she was killed in a car wreak 13 years ago. I begged her to stay but she left. I should have stopped her. I should have not let her go but she was 26 I couldn’t. … My husband had a stroke his not the same I couldn’t live with him anymore. He was abusive to me . I want the old Mark back. But he will never be the same.
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 14:59h, 20 AprilHey Donna, these are such big losses. I’m sorry for the pain they must have caused you. There’s no rush in letting them go, and by moving on, you are not moving on from the love you had for your daughter, but moving on from staying stuck in the past. May you find ease and grace in this process. Blessings.
Debbie Hudson
Posted at 03:45h, 20 AprilDo you ever work with missing persons?😥💔
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 15:00h, 20 AprilHey Debbie, no that is not my specialty.