19 Jan You’re At A Crossroads | Weekend Love Tarot Reading | 1/20 – 1/22
Does it feel like you’re stuck on hold in your love life?
Karma says you might still be processing a situation from the past, but things are moving forward slowly and surely.
She’s here to help you gain a bigger perspective on what’s happening for you romantically, so you can breathe a sigh of relief, here in her Weekend Tarot Reading. Enjoy!
P.S. Is there someone from your past you’re having trouble letting go of? Is your heart feeling a bit guarded at the thought of opening to love? Leave a comment below and let Karma know!

Hi, Cosmic Family! And welcome back to your Weekend Tarot Love Reading. I am Karma, and I hope that you all have had a wonderful week. Let’s go ahead and jump right into it with my blessing and prayer and see what energy is surrounding your love connection this weekend.
Mother, Father, God, Divine Holy Spirits of the most high, thank you for allowing me to be a clear channel of receiving messages for the collective watching this in regard to their current love connection. I ask that these messages provide clarity, guidance, healing, and understanding, as well as a higher knowledge and perception into what karmic cycles, soul lessons, and generational curses they may currently be dealing with, about to deal with, need to become aware of, learn from, grow from, and release. Lord, and all that you are, and all that you do, and all that I am and all that I do, I live by your word and your word only. In Yashua, his name I pray, amen.
All right, let’s take a look and see what we have. Your first card out is Strength card. All right, this is strong Leo energy here showing up in The Past. All right, your next card you have – Wow! – two major arcanas: you have The Lovers. All right, Gemini energy here. And the last card out is the Knight of Pentacles. Wow. Interesting. Interesting. A lot of focus on your solar plexus chakra, okay, this weekend. Yeah, you’re becoming enlightened too. You have the Hanged Man on the bottom. Interesting, because I love how the yellow – a lot of yellow, a lot of yellow. The Hanged Man, The chariot, The fool, all on the bottom of the deck here
Something is coming to fruition, something that you’ve thought long and hard on and prayed about. I feel it’s all finally coming together.
Okay, so I’m connecting here with a collective that is aware that they’ve been working on something or dreaming or manifesting for something to come together. Okay.
And in the Recent Past of Strength, something took a lot of courage from you. Like – and I don’t just want to use the word “strength” because it’s on the card. But it’s like you went through something that really required you to step into your power and use the tools that you’ve been working so hard to obtain, okay.
I feel like you…in the past you may have recently been tested. When it comes to a love situation, you may have had to really kind of look things at face value and figure out: “What is the best choice? What is the best option for me?”
And it may have required you to handle something with much more grace and poise than you may have been used to using in the past, okay. So I do feel like a round of applause. Like. I’m seeing an audience in my mind, like, everyone applauding, so that’s my way – or Spirit’s way, I should say – of letting me know that this is something that is either validating with you or that you should be proud of.
You did accomplish something here in the past, when it came to how you responded to a situation. I feel like you just wanted to find the best resolution for everyone involved.
Alright, clarify please the Strength card for the Recent Past for the collective. Yeah, Eight of Cups, you may have had to walk away from, detach, and let go of certain situations that I don’t feel like you really wanted to let go of, but you recognize that maybe they didn’t have the best space for you at this time.
This is also talking to me, though, about a deep moment of clarity – enlightenment with the Hanged Man. There was something missing from within, and I feel like it shifted and you were able to see where you needed to fill a gap within yourself to create a more solid picture of where you’re going. Does that make sense to you?
So it took a lot of strength and a lot of courage for you to walk away from something. The interesting thing is, though, Collective…I’m really getting that even though you needed the strength to walk away from something, you knew that by walking away from something that you were walking into something because the Eight of Cups faces The Lovers when I have it on the table.
So you left something to go towards something that would be more fulfilling, more aligned to what it is you want in your life. And that’s okay.
Current Energy is The Lovers. So now here you are: You’re at the crossroads. You may be in communication with someone. For some of you, there may be back and forth communication, and you needing to come to a decision about this union, this commitment, this relationship.
There is a soulmate that is in your presence, right? Or else we wouldn’t have The Lovers card.
I do feel like for a lot of you, love seems to be a focus right now. It seems to be what you’re dealing with. Life situations with the most right, most of your situations, most of your learning lessons right now are coming through a loving, intimate connection…is how this is coming through for me.
There is something here that seems to be ordained by Spirit to come into your life, which is why I feel like we’re seeing a soulmate.
Some of you had a decision and a choice to make, which means you may have had two options here again, walking away from something and moving into something that’s more aligned with you.
Let’s see here. Clarify, please, Lovers. All right, interesting. You have the Four of Pentacles. So a struggle with releasing certain viewpoints or walking away…still kind of holding on to something in regards to love that may have been obstructing your view or your path forward here.
It has to do with abandonment wounds, because I have the four and the one. So Five of Pentacles. Here, you’re dealing with lack.
Again, let’s go back to the past, you had to fill a void. I think that you’ve accomplished that. And in this moment, in this current moment of your love life, there’s a focus on yourself. Right? Maybe not so much on the outside, but I think that you’re trying to shift something within yourself so that you’re prepared and ready for what is to come. Because this is for a collective who’s been – you’ve been actively doing the work here.
And so some of you are letting go of the idea in the hope that this love is coming for you, that there’s going to be a shift for you simultaneously, that you’re hoping for love.
Some of you are unable to let it go. Or a past one. Like, you can’t let go of a past love that’s gonna get in the way. Okay, so that’s another message for some of you.
If that part didn’t resonate with you, don’t take it because I’m strongly…I’m seeing a pizza pie cut in half. So that’s not for everyone that’s listening.
Knight of Pentacles is coming towards you. I think this is beautiful. You are at – you are intuitively aware that an offer is on its way to you.
A long term, stable commitment is on its way to you. It is moving very, very slow.
For a lot of you, this is someone from the past because they’re coming in on a dark horse. They’ve been through things with you and they’re wanting to come in now. And they’re wanting to make it right, because there seems to be abandonment, ghosting, ignoring type of wounds between the two of you that you needed to heal individually and on your own.
However, for others of you, I do feel like this person who could be coming towards you as a new soulmate who has gone through something similar to what you have just come out of, what you are coming out of and emerging from, okay.
So, although there’s this great energy around you, that’s sitting on top and why we have the Hanged Man. So it’s still patience.
A lot of you may not be seeing a lot of big changes in the physical realm in regards to your love life because it looks as though a lot of this is inner work right now that you’re still pushing things out.
Again, you guys have been through the wringer last year. So the way that you are making decisions when it comes to love life is much more intentional. Okay, and that’s why you think you’re moving in slower steps.
So, as you move slower, in slower steps here physically, that’s going to reflect spiritually as above, so below.
Alright, so let’s see. Clarify please a Knight of Pentacles, Holy Spirit, for the collective: The Moon.
You don’t see this coming. Well, and then the King of Cups was under… That could be a Pisces. It doesn’t have to be, but you have The Moon here.
You might see this shift start to take place in Pisces season. Yeah, for a lot of you, your love life is going to change from Pisces to Leo season…is when you’re going to see huge transformation.
So Pisces to Leo is February to August. You don’t see this coming. And again, I want to say you feel it intuitively. You’re going to feel it intuitively. There’s still something deep emotionally that needs to be pulled out. That’s why we have the Eight of Cups, the Four of Pentacles, and The Moon on top.
This is what’s kind of, you know, holding your love life hostage here…Is the need to walk away from from this, this stuck energy with the Four of Pentacles keeping you stuck in one place or one mindset, one perception when it comes to how love should be or how a soulmate will present themselves to you.
There’s a lot on your mind right now. And I feel like you’re, you’re struggling with making a decision.
We could still be piggybacking off of the reading from last week. You know, is this worth fighting for? We could be piggybacking off of that energy, that energy could still be present.
And now you’ve kind of transitioned more into, okay, into a sage type of energy, right? You’re trying to receive wise counsel within yourself and with the Divine on how to move forward.
And the way to do that is to dig deep and allow yourself the space and the patience that you need for these answers to come to you. Okay.
I just see everything kind of being on hold right now. I don’t think that you’ve made a full decision yet on what you want to do.
There is an offer on the table, though, for some of you. This offer will appear this weekend, for others of you, and I, but, but for all of you, I don’t think you saw it coming. Whatever this person is about to reveal to you. It’s been hidden, okay. It’s been hidden, but they have something that they want to say. And I do feel like this has also taken a lot of courage.
All right, I’m sending you much love, Collective. Bye!
Claudia long
Posted at 18:16h, 26 JanuaryI have a love interest and they seem to love me unconditionally I am skeptical about this person but I want to know if he is my soulmate he is a Aquarius and he is a influencer on YouTube and other social media and I am in love with him but I also have feelings for this person as well and he is a Leo could you help me with figuring out which one I should be with I am afraid they are scammers. Are they?
Nina Brodin
Posted at 13:04h, 25 JanuaryThank you Karma
How do I sign up for a private reading
Patricia Ogden
Posted at 23:36h, 23 JanuaryI have spent 6 months praying for a reconciliation or closure in a relationship that had a strong bond and am intensity I haven’t known yet after nearly a year he ghosted me and I’ve prayed and begged that my feelings for him would go away and yet they have not. I’ve worked on manifesting him back into my life or me moving on. Letting go is something I pray and plead for but my feelings that he’s my soulmate are still lingering and I don’t want those feelings because I’ve been through so much pain on the past I can’t understand how he came into my life and I was so happy and now it was taken away, like always, and am dealing with heart break again. I get love and it leaves.
Posted at 13:43h, 23 JanuaryHi Karma:
This reading resonated 100% with me. My person went through a similar situation that I did, I found myself detaching from the situation to help him mend his broken heart. As a result, I totally had a tower moment where he chose me over her and he elevated my status in his life. Spirit told me he needs to do the work in order for us to be together. I am trying to teach him and trusting that he will do the work for us to be together. I know that he is my soulmate and that we were meant to be together in this life.
With much love and light always
Posted at 21:40h, 22 JanuaryI was sooooo hoping I would hear something this weekend. My heart hurts
Posted at 20:36h, 22 JanuaryVery well said & yes parts of this reading do pertain to myself, it gives me inspiration & hope & answers to some of my questions
looking forward to the next reading!
Posted at 01:54h, 22 JanuaryThank you Karma for your wonderful readings! Your reading today definitely hit home! I am struggling in my soul to let my past love go, but because it’s coming from my soul it’s hard TO let go! I sure don’t want to mess up the chance of a new soulmate coming into my life because I DO deserve a chance at beautiful true love! I’m wondering since this feeling for my past love is coming from my soul should I just wait for HIM instead? He just MIGHT be my real soulmate after all!? Anyways, I’m taking a break from love for a long time right now and working on self improvement so I can become a better ME!! Regardless if a man comes into my life or not!! Thank you SO much again Karma and I look forward to your next reading! GOD bless!
Tenneal Rose Payne
Posted at 18:00h, 21 JanuaryKarma,
Thank you so much for your weekly reading so helpful & informative, you are always spot on your doing the lords work thank you for that. My love life I don’t like to talk about because it’s been messy, but I’ve been doing myself work so I’ve leaned & seen a lot of my behaviors & actions as well so it’s been a huge transformation for me And it’s amazing. But in my present I’m so confused I don’t know what to do, my friends relationships are a mess love them but can’t help because it’s not a male bashing thing because I want to find someone that loves me right. I broke up with my boyfriend because he broke my heart and trust, crossed every boundary no respect for nothing, mentally I had to brake it off it was affecting my space. Then I started talking to someone new for 2 weeks almost to find out he’s not a real person so I reached out to the real person (he’s a public figure) made contact and he confirmed that’s not him and don’t make contact with that person. I’m just flabbergasted! At this point I can tell the real person likes me (I know it sounds crazy) but I’m so exhausted, tried, sad! I had 4 family members pass away over the holidays separately healing & dealing with that. Then all these clowns are playing with me & women hearts and emotions by promising them a false future and it’s sick and it’s sick to me that I’ve been a victim of it and I’m just trying to be real and just be myself and taking my nature for granite. I don’t what to o any help are advice is great I’m sorry this was a long comment. Have a great day!
Tanya Taylor
Posted at 17:51h, 21 JanuaryKarma Thank you for sharing with us. I’m looking forward to the next one. I hope you pick up on something on my situation. Have a wonderful week.
Alma Ruby
Posted at 16:04h, 21 JanuaryI’m always amazed!! it’s like the readings are intended for me only, which I know it’s not so, but that’s just how how strong they resonate with me. Thank you so much Karma,
Ellie Nelson
Posted at 14:42h, 21 JanuaryHi Karma. This is my first time on here. I have to say what you spoke about was spot on for me. I will admit I was skeptical about this but was pleasantly surprised. I would love to continue to receive messages. Thank you so much! Have a great day!
Posted at 11:11h, 21 JanuaryThank you Karma, you’re amazing!
I divorced last year after 20 years in a loveless marriage with a very good man. Choosing myself has been one of the hardest decisions I’ve ever faced.
To complicate my emotions I’ve recently met and am seeing a man who is slowly but gracefully is opening my heart in ways I never dared dreamed.
Your reading could not be more on point. I’m moving cautiously, bravely discerning yet trusting each next step!
With gratitude….peace & blessings to you Karma!!
Maude Arianne
Posted at 09:15h, 21 JanuaryThank you Karma, I completely resonate with what you are saying. And I do struggle with understanding what to let go, but I will keep trying. Investigating which aspect of my perception needs to change. I am ready for the new beginning, whether it’s with a new person, a new perspective or a renewed love.
I thought he was my twin flame, I’ve been struggling with that mostly…maybe it’s that idea I have to let go of but don’t know how because I’ve been holding on to it for so long. Regardless, I need to release the hold I have on this. I set the intention to release the hold I have on this. I trust in the process, myself and the universe. And so it is!
You are truly a blessing, thanks for all that you do Karma 💕
Tania Kinnear
Posted at 07:54h, 21 JanuaryWow that’s right on my life at the moment.
Bless you 😘🤗
Mercedez Mesquita
Posted at 05:57h, 21 JanuaryI look forward to your readings every week.
Posted at 05:25h, 21 JanuaryAt a crossroad for sure! Happy Lunar New Year this weekend to all.
Ani Stepanyan
Posted at 04:00h, 21 JanuaryThank you Karma for your message, it resonates with me and the way I feel now.
Parul Verma
Posted at 01:22h, 21 JanuaryThankyou!
Posted at 22:51h, 20 JanuaryWhat an amazing reading down to every minute of it! I love your descriptions and can’t thank you enough. Have a blessed weekend.
Bhagyashree Kavrekar
Posted at 21:37h, 20 JanuaryThanks karma
It’s very helpful for me.
Posted at 20:59h, 20 JanuaryThanks you for your love and guidance Karma this really resonated with me ♥️
Posted at 22:36h, 20 JanuaryStraight out on point. I’m curious to see what will happen. We have not been able to just walk away either of us. Thank you for everything…
Posted at 20:04h, 20 JanuarySpot on
Posted at 18:43h, 20 JanuaryOh my goodness Karma you are spot on,someone has come back to me from the past,who was an amazing support to me at a very bad time in my life, then as you say ghosted me,now he has returned and seems to want to be friends again and that has made me really happy.,thank you 🙏
Posted at 18:34h, 20 JanuaryMy Divorce paperwork in going to the Judge this week. My, soon to be, Ex-Wife of 25 years, and she is a Pices. You New Concern is in fact a Gemini, and the Other potential, who I have decided against is a Leo. Patience – Patience – Patience for me. Make ABSOLUTELY SURE that I will not be making a MISTAKE again. I am going to the 7th Lover in my life and I need the WHOLE BANAN on this one. No more “Settling” for what is out there.
Jeanna Stephens
Posted at 18:18h, 20 JanuaryIs there a way to get a personal reading from karma?
Carole Gallo
Posted at 17:49h, 20 JanuaryYou unfortunately were spot on.
Posted at 17:41h, 20 JanuaryI walked away from the better man. A passionate Leo.
I regret my impulsivity and so hope that he is feeling my love for him and that he forgives me.
I feel that somewhere in your reading, in his slow and cautious way, you are pointing that out. Maybe we had to go through this suffering to become more steadfast.
Your readings are very mystical. I feel every word and already am anticipating your next reading
Thank you for your divine energy Karma!
Posted at 17:31h, 20 JanuaryI am healing from the past. Not talking to anyone just yet. I do feel someone is slowly coming towards me. I am focusing on me. I feel the shift in my energy. Prayers & meditation has guided me. Strength, I as spirit continuously for ti guide me through my past hurt. Thank you Karma for a beautiful reading and confirmation.
God bless 🙏🏾
Posted at 17:00h, 20 JanuaryKarman,
Thank you so much I need that reading so much every thing you was talking about is me. I’m stuck about my soulmate I think that’s my problem and the part with the Pisces and Leo is my situation with my soulmate.
Posted at 16:56h, 20 JanuaryDamn. I am usually so underwhelmed with the information I get when I sign up for these things online, but I figure if I sift through enough oysters eventually one will have a pearl in it ( since I’m very interested in occult practices I just have to remove the scam artists which is pretty easy ) I am pleased to say this was the first exception I have had in a long long time! I think it’s the first time I’ve even bothered to comment other than asking to stop sending me ads for free stuff you pay for because that makes it not free and unsubscribe- not for this one I couldn’t believe how accurate you were from the Leo to the waiting and even this weekend someone opened up about something! I don’t know that it’s something for long term but I’m open to wait and see what happens I just wanted to let you know this resonated with me so much I actually read everything instead of skimming over after two or 3 paragraphs and deleting good job! I don’t know what it is but you got it !thanks for five if me some insight and some feedback that was useful I truly appreciate it
Posted at 20:03h, 20 JanuarySpor on
Dee Plante
Posted at 16:48h, 20 JanuaryThank you.Your readings are so accurate.I look forward to them.
Erna Verlinden
Posted at 16:45h, 20 JanuaryWonderful reading Karma, thank you so much
Gina Jenkins
Posted at 16:40h, 20 JanuaryI love all your readings and alot hit home for sure. Hopefully it is my ex coming back to me
Lori M Broussard
Posted at 16:33h, 20 JanuaryWow that was the most accurate reading I have ever received. I really can’t wait for the weekend just to see what happens. Thank you so very much.
Kathryn B
Posted at 16:32h, 20 JanuaryGosh Karma, you are amazing. I.want to let go so badly. I don’t want a past love blocking my future anymore. I hope this passes soon. Mostly everything you say seems to resonate. Thank you for your weekly readings.
Karen Meeks
Posted at 16:26h, 20 JanuaryKarma,
Thank you for your most accurate reading. I had a very sad year in 2022. Lost my home to a hurricane and walked away on 2 toxic relationships. One an x husband of 20 years marriage and 1 a lover whom I thought was a soulmate might still be but I left hundreds of miles away to my birth home only to start a new journey in life at 66.
I’ve tried hard to let go and for the most part have. Lonely in life but happy to experience time to myself.
Thanks for sharing your gift.
DMC 1014
Posted at 16:21h, 20 JanuaryCompletely resonated with me. I am so stuck and do not have the willpower to call it quits. It saddens me that I am not strong enough to walk away. It’s not abusive or anything like that. It’s just not ideal. I look forward to your readings every week.
Posted at 15:59h, 20 JanuaryYour very close with everything your telling me and I’m hopping it’s not just coming from me but I do feel this I can only wait and see and your right about I can’t let it go it was my fault in the first place I have tried in the beginning to put it right but I was cut off I didn’t try again thank you 👍
Posted at 15:19h, 20 JanuaryTotally resonated with me.
I can’t decide to f I should hold on or let go and walk away from my current relationship
Cathy Peters
Posted at 13:39h, 20 JanuaryWow!! This hit right on for me. Thank you❣️
Aneika myrie
Posted at 13:36h, 20 JanuaryThank you very much what’s your telling me about my past love life it’s really true I really respect everything that you’re telling me thank you very much
Jim Hill
Posted at 13:28h, 20 JanuaryHaving tuff time with a twin flame of previous lifetime. A “tell” is there that identifies her and I believe in free will, but that 4 Pent. was spot on! Someone that important is hard to let go as it is a twin flame. She is currently with someone else, but I suspect there might be issues. Not sure where I stand but have entertained walking away. Mt 3 card reading was ace Swords, 6 Pent. and Knight of Swords. That 6 Pent appears quite often in my reads, sometimes reversed.
Posted at 13:09h, 20 JanuaryWow again. Thank you from the UK 🙏
Only today, I said to a friend that I wanted a man who was stable. And last year I definitely went through the wringer for the second time, with this man, but oh my goodness the growth and learning’s been phenomenal ❤️
Posted at 12:07h, 20 JanuaryThis is so accurate.
Thank you so much for your reading. I always look forward to hearing from you.
Have a blessed week.
Jennifer Butts
Posted at 13:48h, 20 JanuaryThank you so much . This def resonates in my life right now. It was so dead on. I feel blessed to have read this message today. I appreciate it and will continue forward with positive energy. Happy New year!💞
Posted at 12:05h, 20 JanuaryThank you so much for your kindness guidance advices to help me all this process and I hope he will be coming after finishing his hospitalization as he told me . Yes I have been so strict to him but I’m honest to our relationship even do I know there is somebody who is really to me my ex but I don’t like because of religion, we are not the same even he is really more certain man in all aspect of life. I think it’s best to go to church with same ways of beliefs. Thanks again and God bless you all best
Klaus Schlotz
Posted at 12:05h, 20 JanuaryI am over and over amazed how the energy of the cards and you as medium Karma picture a life story unfolding.
I guess all of us who tune in to your great readings have done internal work that required strength and resilience.
And all of us have to resolve blockages from our negative experiences from past loves.
Patience, hope and trust in the divine will get us to what we are all wishing for.
A love that transcends worldly and spiritual life, that is committed, intimate and lasting.
I know that soul mate/twin flame is out there somewhere and it will take it’s own time until our two energies align.
And yes she will come out of nowhere.
I am thrilled how the cards reassure what I feel inside.
Kathy Mcfarland
Posted at 11:58h, 20 JanuaryYou are right on every week. This helps me to rethink everything each time and recheck my perspective. Thank you.
Posted at 11:51h, 20 JanuaryInteresting with all that yellow and solar plexus. I have a virus that is making me unable to talk. I’m reminded that I need to have more patience and wait to speak. Thank you.
Posted at 11:42h, 20 JanuaryThank you again Karma.
Deb Cunningham
Posted at 11:26h, 20 JanuaryWow! Thank you for this reading! New to readings and clearing issues,situations, and making decisions, plus manifesting my future! Possibly new friend is my soulmate?
Recognizing soulmate vs. Flame, needs clarification, for me. Letting go of abandonment, from belief differences . Amazing how it all relates, Amazing!
Pauline Appelgryn
Posted at 11:05h, 20 JanuaryThank you for the reading…
It absolutely sounds like my life at this point in time….
Ndadilepo Ndiweda
Posted at 11:01h, 20 JanuaryI am no more interest with my currently boyfriend because he has a lot of girlfriends. no respect, i am very tied.
Danielle Williams
Posted at 10:56h, 20 JanuaryIam ok god really opened my eyes and showed me who he really was so the way my ex’s did me he will one day have his karma
Posted at 10:46h, 20 JanuaryWow resonated so much with me!!! On finally letting go of my marriage that has not been working for too many years and after 3 yrs of introspection, healing, transformation and spiritual Awakening, I am finally ready to move on. So when he said he wants a divorce on 4 Jan I said yes. He tried to change my mind but I did not budge. I am done.. thank you for your energies
Lisa Johnson
Posted at 10:44h, 20 JanuaryWow ! I can fully resonate this week Karma, as my ex broke up with me on Christmas Day after a issue of miscommunication, he honestly in a bad place with deep depression, which his always had and it’s stems from trauma from his childhood and ongoing deep rooted family dynamics sad but true , he said right now he needs space and just wants us to be friends for now , but honestly I love him so dearly because I feel our connection is a deeply spiritual one that’s unbreakable , I started connecting with another guy with whom I initial met the same time I met my ex , we met up got on great , but his gone distant at present with me , although he says nothing’s wrong , the truth is I have feelings for them both but my heart lays hard with my ex , because my intuition is telling me it’s not over it the beginning of a new faze for us that we will connect more deeper once he is fully aligned with my energy as you say it’s about patience Karma, I also feel the second guy , will reach out to with Laying his cards on the table to me very soon . I am just tbh gonna leave it to the universe, as I give a lot of myself through my heart mentally and emotionally , but the receiving part ,I am yet to see the results, but honestly this is my crossroads and to some it may appear mess , but I am learning a lot as to who I am a loving , deeply empathic ,nurturing soul and what I deserve and will accept( self love ) , what needs to change within me and so I no longer fear change if it happens to be aligned this way for me . Thank you karma advice and solution heard loud and clear ☮️💛💡always
Posted at 10:34h, 20 JanuaryThanks for the reading , yes I am in love and he is my soul mate but there is a problem he is in a position right now where we cannot be together bit I am still hanging on. I know there’s not a person like him out there for me so stuck now and cannot make a decision about it
Dawn Watton
Posted at 10:33h, 20 JanuaryKarma, I look forward to your readings every week and they always resonate with me. My relationship has been off and on for over a year. Hot and cold. I’ve always felt a connection with my Cancer man that I’ve never had before. Is he my soulmate. I’m 58 he’s 60. I am at a crossroads. I’m seeing him this weekend as I need answers to where we are going in the relationship. We have both had pasts that have affected us. He won’t open up to me am I wasting my time. Can you advise me Karma on how to deal with this situation.
Posted at 10:33h, 20 JanuaryThank you good karma i love the reading is fantastic..
Jose Jr. Vega
Posted at 10:33h, 20 JanuaryAwesome reading.! Thanks 😊
Helen Gray
Posted at 10:30h, 20 JanuaryDefinitely resonates with me 100%! Thank you so much for the wonderful reading!!!
Posted at 10:29h, 20 JanuaryOmg – Wow – So accurate – I knew his love for me and he confessed it. I want him to move forward with us! Yes – He’s my soulmate and twin flame.
Bhagyashree Kavrekar
Posted at 10:25h, 20 JanuaryThank you karma
For your valuable reading.
Posted at 10:21h, 20 JanuaryOMG KARMA…very Correct
Scott Christopher DeLisa
Posted at 10:17h, 20 JanuarySome of the things has said. Not clear if lots or little bit that applies to me. Over all , just not clear. You had done your best to make this reading clear. On 1/20/2023
Posted at 10:16h, 20 JanuaryThank you, very true.
Brandi Johnson
Posted at 10:13h, 20 JanuaryI think I can see alot of what you read in my situation. I’m slowly getting stronger and while I know most likely the outcome… it’s been hard for me to accept.
Leanne Oxley
Posted at 10:12h, 20 JanuaryI think karma is a very good medium and is very talented 👌
Lindsey Rowell
Posted at 10:12h, 20 JanuaryThis is seriously the most accurate reading and it gave me some clarity. I was holding onto some negative energy from my childhood that was holding me back in my relationships so yesterday I sat down and forgave every person and situation I could think of where someone hurt me or made me feel rejected. I was with someone and had that all blow up in my face Tuesday. Right now he won’t speak to me some was my fault. He’s a Gemini though. I hoping this means he’ll come back. Thanks I needed to see this today. Love and light!
Helen Cox
Posted at 10:06h, 20 JanuaryThank you for the information you have provided. I connect with my situation and think about my direction. I appreciate you much and thank you for sharing
Michele Jones
Posted at 09:51h, 20 JanuaryThis is so accurate! I hope he returns and professes his love.
Posted at 10:33h, 20 JanuaryEverything your saying is on point. And learning gifts my mom told me I have and didn’t understand and still don’t but learning slowly but showily you are amazing and thank you for making me be aware of what I have to work on because it’s true what your speaking about and yes I’m waiting for my new arrival and hoping things turn out for the best of us. But still healing from the past and did move forward but your right I’m focusing on self right now until my new arrival Present his Presents to me. He told me a little about his past and Ik he’s hurting and I wanna be here to help heal those wounds. I’m Amazed how your spirit connects with mind . Which I can get to know you more where we can speak to each other often my goodness I love how you hit everything on the deck. You go Ma’am keep up the good work😇😇😇😇😇😇😇❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Blanca Mendoza
Posted at 09:50h, 20 JanuaryI’m a new beginner learning about my special
Gifts that has passed on to me since child birth.I have learned little bet of healing, magic, and more.
Martin Jones
Posted at 09:48h, 20 Januaryspot on, too much to take in at the moment, she is there, she is always there.
Posted at 02:53h, 20 JanuaryThis completely resonated with me. Last year was such a hard time between me and my current partner. Very up and down and we broke up a couple of times and have gotten back together. We’re still are very much in need for some healing, but we do clearly want to be with each other, so we’re both working on things and are slowly reconnecting and getting closer each time we see each other. I’m hopeful for the future, but there are still some wounds that need healing.
Chanelle B.
Posted at 21:29h, 19 JanuaryKarma, omg! A very good night to you! I think you are definitely speaking about my situation when it comes to things being on hold (hanged man). And last weekend something unexpected was revealed(moon), but other things can still come out this weekend as well. I definitely am at crossroads with my son’s father. Despite frequent dreams of us working things out & being better, I always thought we’d just be cordial and never “try” again. The 8 of cups resonated with me, so does the 4 of pents. The whole reading does, but not the way you interpreted it. The applause even resonated!!! I was hoping for months that a new person/soulmate was coming in, but maybe the plot twist is who’s around now. Thank you for the heads up
Joan agnessanto
Posted at 18:22h, 19 JanuaryKarma is anybody else having an issue getting the video it keeps saying this video is private
Brenda D Anderson
Posted at 09:59h, 20 JanuaryThank you, thank you again, for the reading, karma blessed evening you have a blessed