Something’s In The Way | Weekend Love Tarot Reading | 12/16 – 12/18

Does it ever feel like outside forces are keeping you and your soulmate apart?

Karma says this weekend could bring powerful insights about your love life, and it could open up new blessings and opportunities for you.

She’s here to help you take advantage of the energies showing up, so you can align with your true love, here in her Weekend Tarot Reading. Enjoy!


 Click Here For A Live Reading With Karma

(Promo Code: COSMIC provides 10% off a reading when purchasing on Etsy.)

P.S. Did you recently experience a big disruption in your relationship? Are you in the process of releasing a person or situation from your past? Leave a comment below and let Karma know!



Hello Collective, and welcome back to your Weekend Love Tarot reading. I am Karma. And I’m going to be reading your Tarot cards today.

So let’s go ahead and jump right into it with my blessing and prayer. And then we’ll go ahead and see what messages the Holy Spirit has for you, all right

Mother, Father, God, Divine Holy Spirit, thank you for allowing me to be a clear channel of receiving messages for the collective in regard to their current love situation and love connections. I ask that these messages provide clarity, guidance, healing, and understanding, as well as a higher knowledge and perception into what karmic cycles, soul lessons, and generational curses they may currently be going through, about to go through, need to become aware of it, learn from, heal from, and release. Lord, and all that you are and all that you do. And all that I am and all that I do. I live by your word and your word only. In Yeshua’s name I pray. Amen.

So I saw the Hermit and the Tower. That is Virgo energy as well as Scorpio energy.

But it looks to me that you’ve had a massive breakthrough, or you’re about to.

This is from deep healing. There’s some wisdom, some inner knowledge. And then there’s a revelation.

Something may have been crumbling or falling apart around you, or you received shocking news. Whatever this was, it’s turned something. It’s changed something deep inside of you.

So let’s take a look and see. I’m very curious now to see what these messages are. This could be because in the last two weeks, Collective, we’ve been seeing you really work on your karmic cycles and your healing, and there was something that just needed to end.

I feel like this was a major karmic cycle that needed to close off fully. Let’s take a look, all right.

In the Recent Past, you do have the Five of Wands, so there was some type of conflict, competition, or disruption that was taking place in your outside world recently. All right, cool.

Current Energy is the Six of Cups. And in the Near Future, you have the Page of Swords. On the bottom of the deck, you do have the King of Swords with the Lovers. So Gemini energy is here.

Collective, what has happened, especially with this, was something you’re isolated or you’re in. You’re in isolation. You’re silent right now. I don’t feel like you want to communicate with anyone.

Something has happened or is happening, if it hasn’t already. But I’m assuming it has already happened, since the Five of Wands is here.

In the past, it feels like you may have went head-to-head with somebody. There was an argument or a disagreement here.

I also feel as though, for some of you, things could be fine with you and your person.

But there’s problems on the outside, like other people are not happy about this connection, or there’s something trying to get in the way of you guys being able to build something stable.

It’s like one thing after the next, okay, but I do feel, for some of you, if there was some type of, like, confrontation, or back and forth, and I also am feeling – I’m hearing “lack of effort” and “not a team player.”

Okay, so somebody here was not a team player. They weren’t willing to follow certain – I don’t know why I want to say – protocols. So this might be very specific to somebody watching. But there was somebody here who just didn’t want to follow things a certain way.

Or maybe they did follow something a certain way, right? Too much. And they were unable to see outside of the box and really see something from a higher perception. They were very stuck inside of their own four walls here. And it was causing conflict.

Currently, you are in the energy of the Six of Cups. It’s interesting energy to be in considering that the Five of Wands was your Past. This is a very giving energy, right. And I also feel like this is an energy of missing someone, reminiscing on good times – wanting to give your heart, wanting to give love to someone, wanting to bring balance to a connection.

Tell me about this Five of Wands, please, for the Past. What is this Five of Wands in regard to spirit?

Wow, it’s in regard to the Four of Cups, a missed opportunity. So there’s a connection here, there’s a situation here that you’ve been dealing with where there was like one little hiccup, and I feel like we saw that we’re talked about.

There’s going to be other karmic lessons here. Something from the past is still getting in the way, or was still getting in the way. Okay, that might be the karma that you were needing to heal and deal with, that we’ve been seeing in the last two weeks of this month.

Previous weeks were because that’s how spirit gave me the words for what I’m seeing. I feel like this was in a work. I feel like this conflict may have been between heart and mind over a situation and offer on the table. And I feel like you and this person may have been mirroring energy. And so communication may have been very small, if any at all. And again, there were outside forces that were making it difficult for you guys to come together. And so you questioned this connection and this opportunity, or this relationship. And it felt like a missed opportunity.

But you’re jumping from the Four of Cups to the Six of Cups currently. So you’ve gone through the pain of the Five of Cups. You’ve gone through the grief of something ending, and now you’re moving into a phase of being in balance and being aligned and being okay.

I feel like you still have a lot of love to give, and you’re wanting to connect, you’re wanting to connect with the person, with the soulmate.

Specifically, clarify phrases, Six of Cups, please clarify the Six of Cups. Yeah, wow. And the Ace of Wands. So, Ace of Pentacles, and the Ace of Wands was underneath, okay.

So there’s a new opportunity that’s going to be presenting itself to you. And I’m literally seeing and hearing like from out of the rubble, like from out of what you thought was done and over and crumbled, and the building collapse, and there’s nothing but rubble and dust, because that’s what I’m seeing – there comes this amazing opportunity.

So take that how it resonates, that whatever you just made it through, whatever just fell apart around you in the past, that was such a struggle for you, but you continued to fight…know that there is a new abundant blessing that’s coming towards you, because of the work that you’ve done. That’s what the Six of Cups is.

This is somebody that has spent a lot of time thinking about and curating this offer. And this is a very wonderful new opportunity that is going to provide a lot of promise and a lot of stability. And it is from the Divine.

All right, in the Near Future, you have the Page of Swords. Okay, this is interesting. It’s still an energy of somebody watching you.

So for some of you what could be taking place in your love life – remember, a few weeks back, I feel like this may have been in November, but I remember doing a reading for you guys, where I talked about the connection with physical abundance and money and career and stability, and then your love life and how they each kind of have to come into alignment before you can have the other.

And so what I’m seeing here is there’s this opportunity where there was this karma that you may have been healing emotionally when it comes to love. And now you’re being presented with an opportunity to establish yourself, invest in yourself.

For some of you, this could be a job offer, and not necessarily a commitment, in love. But whatever it is, it’s here to help you align and ascend to that next level up, that next step.

And it’s going to bring in that love. And we also saw that last week too, that you’re being aligned to someone of the same frequency.

So you’re going to start to see a lot of divine opportunities come out of nowhere, and it’s because of the work that you’re doing.

My piece of advice to you from my heart is to always, always, always choose yourself and choose what is best for you.

Okay, you have the Page of Swords as the Outcome. So again, I feel like you’re kind of looking at all the different options and opportunities that are coming your way. You’re not prepared to communicate yet or execute a decision on one yet. You will be soon. However, in a mere reversal, this is somebody watching you. They’re watching your growth. They’re watching the moves that you’re making, and they’re wanting to come towards you.

Please clarify the Page of Swords for the Collective. Yeah, this is someone that you’re not talking to – Five of Swords.

They want to make their way back, and they want to. They want to bring truth and clarity to what took place. But they are weighing their options. They’re very nervous. They go from a Page to a King, though, because on the bottom of the deck, you do have the King of Swords, so there’s growth here that takes place.

They feel left out, and I feel like this person is watching you from a distance, and the pain that it’s causing them is going to give them enough courage to come forward and express to you their feelings and what they would like to take place between you and them.

All right collective, thank you so much for tuning in. I look forward to seeing you next week, bye.


Karma is an intuitive empath, with the gift of clairvoyance and claircognizance. She uses Tarot to help bring to light messages from the Divine that will aid in your alignment and healing.

  • Janelle Mcneany
    Posted at 18:45h, 19 December Reply

    Thankyou im so blessed to have you read my cards many many blessings xxx

  • Lena R Collins
    Posted at 08:57h, 18 December Reply


    • Zaki Human
      Posted at 17:10h, 19 December Reply

      Wow you are amazing and so on point! 👌🏻 However I feel like it’s still not detailed, specific or emphasized enough on the exact situation sometimes there is so many things happening at once I’m not even sure what is the actual reason for everything going on in my life I’d like to know more about what and or who it is that I should do or what is actually going on in my life

  • John
    Posted at 03:47h, 18 December Reply

    right on i now understand what is happening

  • Suzanne
    Posted at 00:52h, 18 December Reply

    Many thanks for a higher perspective. Numbed from all the karmic tests, disruptions etc. Last card shocked me with tears.

  • Dee Plante
    Posted at 00:38h, 18 December Reply

    Again you are amazingly correct on the reading.👌

  • Melissa Law
    Posted at 15:29h, 17 December Reply

    Hello and Merry Christmas Karma! I am just now receiving my very first reading from you. First off, I just want to express my deep gratitude to the Lord God my Father for you and His gifts that he has bestowed upon you to be able to do these reading and help people to be guided and better figure out their lives and the directions it must take.
    Secondly, I did want to day that much of what you had to day hit home directly for me. I am fresh from just stepping out powerfully from a very extremely toxic and abusive situation. It was so derogatory and degenerative that you could not even begin to call it a relationship. I have fully released and cleansed this evil being from my existence. This man mascaraded as my one true soul mate, and he clearly was not. He was the main, if not only barricade, I. The way of me finding and being ready to receive my one true soul mate!
    I am trying to learn right now how to open myself to manifesting and receiving my one and only, the man that God Almighty has created for me and whom He has created me for.
    Is there any way for you to speak directly to that? How to directly speed along thr meeting of one’s soul mate by powerful manifestation? This is the one area that I am most needing help in right now.
    Thank you again Karma, for helping people like me out.!

    • Charles Brian Jacobsen
      Posted at 17:44h, 17 December Reply

      Here I am

  • Mindy Ferguson
    Posted at 12:49h, 17 December Reply

    Karma: I want to thank you for the time you take away from your own life and pass on messages from The Divine! Also, thank you Lord for giving her this gift and the opportunity to help many other people! I just wanted to reply and let you know that everything you said directly related to me and has me in tears. My fiance and I live in our RV on my ex boyfriends’ property. Neither his family nor mine are happy with this union. We have had nothing but problems from others and issues from our past. Yet we keep fighting to stand through this together! I am the one in isolation. He is not a team player and I have been debating on whether to continue with this relationship and move into marriage. Hopefully, you will have more clarification for me soon. I am also trying to find stable income to change our situation. Only thing I am confused on is if it is my fiance or my ex watching from a distance? Because my ex and I never had closure and he and my fiance are good friends now!

  • Khutso Mabelane
    Posted at 12:45h, 17 December Reply

    Am impressed

    • Ojo Alaba Odunayomi
      Posted at 03:02h, 19 December Reply

      Thank you for the messages, everything you said is directly talking to me my present relationship has been so tiresome recently it’s like we can’t find a common ground we argues and fight every day not that we don’t love each other but it’s like we don’t understand each other anymore and also there are some of his friends that doesn’t like the connection between me and him so they’re trying everything to separate us most times they even go to the extent of lying to him that they saw me with another man but he’s a very mature man so he doesn’t listen to all the gossips or maybe he do I can’t read his mind infact been thinking lately about ending the relationship but I love him so I couldn’t make the decision and also I’ve been dealing with some pains and trauma for years but I’m starting to heal from it I’ve been dealing with worries, anxiety and fears for so many years but I’m happy that I’m beginning to heal now because I’ve decided to let go of things and leave it to God and the universe I no longer try to control things but I’m still praying to God to heal me completely and open my eyes so I can see clearly everything around me I really want to be in alignment with my soul I want my mind and body to be in balance

  • Martha Radebe
    Posted at 10:45h, 17 December Reply

    Thank you very much karma I know that everything will be fine keep on doing this for us to help us with our issues God bless you.

  • Lanette Bernhardt
    Posted at 09:50h, 17 December Reply

    Thank you Karma,
    For all that you!
    Light and love always,

  • Wendy D.
    Posted at 06:04h, 17 December Reply

    Wow, impressive! You are right on the money! I’ve listened another time before this and you were right then as well. Thank you

  • April Walker
    Posted at 04:40h, 17 December Reply

    Thank you Karma

    • Elizabeth
      Posted at 10:05h, 17 December Reply

      Thank you April. Your messages have come through mostly true. I was going to meet this person from online business and wanted to get to know him because I felt the connection with him. It just sbhappened he became sick and canceled his trip. I got so disappointed that I literally cried. Heartbreaking for him because it was his retreat for business and probably not being here but heartbreaking for me not to see him in person. There’s a client -coach relationship here but I ‘ve tried to let him know that I like to connect with him on a friendship level but seems he is keeping his distance for all his clients? My spirit guide is saying to let him come forward. You last 2-3 messages have resonated with what I am going through. Thank you again. Bless you! ❤️

  • S.T.
    Posted at 03:16h, 17 December Reply

    I feel like this resonates so much, but nothing is happening in 3D. I’ll just continue to be patient.

  • Marita Roth
    Posted at 02:56h, 17 December Reply

    Thank you Karma! I have been very lonely many years and I suddenly learn to know a person who rented out a room at one of my colleagues apartment. She in fact introduced her to me and since that I really feel good connection with her. Now I feel that my colleague feels jealous about our connection and she tries somehow to interfere between us! Its funny but I already have felt that this colleague of mine feels jealous about me and that this is not the first time she tries to get in between me and some other people. I very strongly feel this is the case you are describing! Thank you so much again!

  • Luisa E
    Posted at 02:42h, 17 December Reply

    Thank you Karma! Again the cards have spoken the truth I have been feeling and given the guidance I was hoping for. I look forward to next week with blessings of love and light!

  • Robert Nyberg
    Posted at 02:34h, 17 December Reply

    First time I have read a reading of yours and you are very close to what has happened to me lately if I understand it correctly I will try to read what you have to say next time have a good day and be safe thank you

  • Nesem
    Posted at 00:54h, 17 December Reply

    Thank you so much Karma❤️

  • Lisa B
    Posted at 00:29h, 17 December Reply

    Thank you so much, Karma. I watched & read this several times. I do understand what this reading signifies for me & my beloved. I feel we are both trying to come together & are taking steps to make this happen, but circumstances & other person(s) have been working against us. We persevere, and neither of us is ready to give up. The 6 of Cups & Ace of Pentacles gives me hope that our efforts are being or will be rewarded soon. Just today, in fact, I was offered an opportunity that will bring me closer (proximity) to where he is in the new year… and it feels “aligned” with our mutual purposes. As you said, “out of the rubble & dust” of what I thought was finished, this opportunity has materialized. I also had another possible position yesterday, but I dismissed it right away as it didn’t feel best for me. I trust that decision. I have been silent this week, as you commented, wondering when I will hear from him again. After your reading, I pulled 3 cards for a personal love teading – and drew the Sun, Hanged Man & Lovers! I am really feeling hopeful & looking forward to how things are unfolding for us. Bless you, Karma.

  • Dotlyn
    Posted at 23:13h, 16 December Reply

    Thank you karma for this reading it truly is everything that I s Appen to me I’m in a toxic marriage and want to end it with a jemeni he is a really powerful person ,I separated from him going 2 years now we are still living in the same house ,he is abusive, mental even yesterday and he is watching me , today he is saying that he loves me and I don’t trust him anymore I move on but he won’t let me go I’m in love with someone else but sometimes weared if happens,

  • Caroline
    Posted at 23:13h, 16 December Reply

    Great reading Karma – The past was on point – That’s correct I’m really not talking to this person or in a relationship. He feels left out ? He ended it and now he feels left out ? Yep – He wasn’t a team player. Then I hear that he misses me – I miss him as well. This situation maybe a simple misunderstanding. I try and keep in contact with this person. Then I hear that my energy has changed for the better and my love life is changing. Looking forward to the future.

  • Chancey Luttrell
    Posted at 22:54h, 16 December Reply

    Karma. Right on point . Thank u so much

  • Chancey Luttrell
    Posted at 22:53h, 16 December Reply

    Karma. Everything u said was right on. Thank u so much.

  • Trish Stroh
    Posted at 22:33h, 16 December Reply

    Wow, Another very insightful reading. I am looking forward to the future. Thank You so much Karma , I always look forward to your readings. I have not been able to hear you on audio the past few times so I am glad it is always printed.

  • Ramona
    Posted at 22:27h, 16 December Reply

    Woow.. Karma ..Thank you for your amazing reading. Its so wonderful. Looking forward for positive outcome. Glad to see you in your next reading. Stay safe and God bless.

  • Karin Nemet
    Posted at 22:19h, 16 December Reply

    Thank you for your kindness and energy Blessings

  • Paul
    Posted at 22:06h, 16 December Reply

    Thank u it hit the right spot we was doing good and her ex got back in the way

    • Georgia Harrington
      Posted at 22:54h, 16 December Reply

      Wow , I really hope this is true. Today he actually was very rude to me

    • Nosisa
      Posted at 01:12h, 17 December Reply

      Everything that is said in this message is so true..You’ve actually desribed my situation as it is, that’s amazing.!You’re really gifted.

      • Martha Radebe
        Posted at 10:44h, 17 December Reply

        Thank you very much karma I know that everything will be fine keep on doing this for us to help us with our issues God bless you.

  • Bhagyashree k
    Posted at 21:16h, 16 December Reply

    Thank you very much karma
    Your reading is so true as always.❤️

  • Rowi
    Posted at 19:54h, 16 December Reply

    Thank you so much Karma,what you say is so very true,you have given me hope in what I thought was a foregone opportunity I really hope it cones true for me🤞🙏

  • Margaret Boone
    Posted at 18:59h, 16 December Reply

    You are so right

  • Ann
    Posted at 18:53h, 16 December Reply

    I would like a one on one reading by emails

  • Cherijuana Rhodes
    Posted at 18:26h, 16 December Reply

    Omg u was right on point with Me. I would like to talk to you live.

  • LindsayB
    Posted at 18:23h, 16 December Reply

    Thank you Karma, Your readings resonate with me every time. Todays, was a little more on point….. Me and my crush (for lack of proper term) have had a few rounds of no contact.
    This past week being one of them. I was heartbroken as he does not put forth effort to contact me or see me. He keeps telling me it is his work schedule. He got demoted in early October and has been upside down ever since. I recently got hired at a new job, haven’t started yet, but my schedule will not allow us to see each other. He reached out to me last night after a week of no contact. I was so excited, but worried as well. i told him my new schedule very early this morning, and he confirmed that we probably wouldn’t be able to see each other. I am devastated. He doesn’t tell his feelings, he hides them, and i believe he tries to deny them a lot of the time as well. I don’t know if me moving forward with this new job is the correct path, but it is better for me and my 2 children. I have been debating all day if I should keep this new position or wait for one that has a better schedule. I am trying to put myself first, but i can’t help but be devastated at the thought of not seeing him again. Thank you for your insight, it is very much appreciated.

  • Sharon Byrne
    Posted at 18:05h, 16 December Reply

    Can you please contact me.

  • ingrid seals
    Posted at 17:27h, 16 December Reply

    Thank you Karma. I can feel what you are saying, though I was involved with two men over the last three years, so sometimes I`m confused whom you are talking about. Only one of them was my lover. He got jealous of the other, though I told him that that relationship was platonic. I do miss the Lover and hope he realizes how special our relation was, however brief. I pray for forgiveness. I do not easily fall in love. It caught me by surprise. He is a hot, passionate Leo as was my late husband, who I miss so much.
    You are amazing.

  • Niecy
    Posted at 16:24h, 16 December Reply

    Goodness gracious IF this isn’t me and the ex summed up over the course of what was once a potential loving relationship. Gosh, Memories are flowing out into what & how I tried to love this man throughout ALL the negativities that surrounded us because of his friends. 🥺🥺who constantly used venoms to portray a image that they all wanted me to desperately be. Thank you🌷Karma! This Reading is what I endured for 3 years & is EVERYTHING to me!

  • Caroline
    Posted at 16:17h, 16 December Reply

    Wow – Yes it resonates with me very much at this time. I do want to re connect with this person. This person is nervous ? That’s interesting because their usually very confident.

    • Ann
      Posted at 18:47h, 16 December Reply

      Yeah I’m confused as well. My ex doesn’t speak to me and immediately leaves when I see him out shopping.

  • Felividad
    Posted at 15:51h, 16 December Reply

    Karma I have erase my writings, I must not write here do I will write it in email using your but I must do that after weekend and thank so much for your guidance advices, till next I will used email

  • Ginelle Borneo
    Posted at 15:38h, 16 December Reply

    Tks so much Karma i did choose me, i am done with in and out energy, tired and i choose peace, there are outside interference as i said to him i hope he figures it out soon

  • Andrew Clinton
    Posted at 15:09h, 16 December Reply

    I’m truly speechless Karma.Youre in my head again.All my thoughts in one place.You really have a beautiful soul.Looking forward to your next reading already.Beautiful.

  • Lisa
    Posted at 14:33h, 16 December Reply

    Wow I felt truly connected with the readings over the last two months, as literally this has been my story from the beginning, my twin flame/ soul mate and I have had a wedge between us , which is his father as he wants to keep a hold of his son . As for his father it is about , having control of him , which is sad , as growth and happiness of his son , is not what he wants , as he knows he will make the choice to be with me , leaving him isolated, which is what he has been doing to my s/T flame , creating depression throughout his life , his father see me as an opportunity for his son to experience unconditional love and growth, within himself, so has been seek out help to keep us apart , the story is much deeper than what I have given a small picture of , but I feel he has, had time & space as yesterday’ was the first time, that we have spoken in over two weeks and he may now as other things have since occurred in his , which we have spoken about and I feel will strengthen him to grow as they present a game change made a decision, I hope , thank you Karma love and light always

  • Kundana mangalapu
    Posted at 14:16h, 16 December Reply

    Thank you so much for your karma reading madam 🙏🙏 thank you so much for your words to explain me in a clarity 🙏🙏 thank you very much once again madam 🙏.

  • Nina
    Posted at 14:13h, 16 December Reply

    Thank you, I needed that boost and I pray you are correct. The past is so true and the present is interesting, I am hoping for a spectacular job offer any minute….waiting, waiting, waiting. This gives me hope! I enjoy these so much. I thinks it’s great that there are so many of us who are feeling the same but for different circumstance.

  • Lin
    Posted at 13:57h, 16 December Reply

    Karma: Your reading was unbelievably spot on for me. I was moved to tears by this reading as I have been in a lot of pain as he wanted to break it off. I have had an enormous amount of support from Spirit and it has given me more stability and I was able to see triggers that precipitated this breakup. I was in shock and felt very numb. I realize that his desire to break it off is out of context with our experience of growing closer and his being more demonstrative. I believe we will talk. I know that I need stability, understanding, and knowing that he does choose of his own volition to love me out of freedom. I don’t want it any other way. Bless you, in every way. You have helped me countless times to look at it from a higher spiritual perspective. This relationship has given me the opportunity to go deeper into my own unfinished karma as well as the ongoing choice to be with him from a place of true love for him and myself. With my deepest Blessings of appreciation and Love, Lin

  • Jamie
    Posted at 13:41h, 16 December Reply

    You’re exactly right. My husband and I are a Scorpio and Virgo. We have not been talk to each other and our issue has been long-standing. I took a step back to evaluate things and work on myself. Blessings 💙 Light and Love

  • Scott Christopher DeLisa
    Posted at 13:32h, 16 December Reply

    Thanks much. On 12/16/2022

  • Rachel
    Posted at 13:30h, 16 December Reply

    Hi Karma your reading this weekend totally fits with the reading you did for me this week. I’ve left you a message. I totally resonate and I look forward to seeing what unfolds I’m thankful that you have such a gift ❤️

  • Sara
    Posted at 13:29h, 16 December Reply

    Wow this resonated so soo well!! Chills! Can’t wait to see what happens next! Hoping for a reunion ⭐️

  • Michael Joseph Bishop
    Posted at 13:13h, 16 December Reply

    Thank you for your services I’m glad you have told me some good information

  • Gendu Kumar Lunia
    Posted at 13:03h, 16 December Reply

    Yes, i’m feeling disruption currently in my love life,but i don’t want to release that person. They left me today despite my all the cooperation. Kindly helpme.

  • Sam
    Posted at 12:55h, 16 December Reply

    Thank you for your love and guidance Karma this really resonates with my situation, so I will see what comes next.. ♥️

  • Sylvia
    Posted at 12:35h, 16 December Reply

    This reading resonated with me. There still is a toxic outside karmic that is causing problems for me and my person, but my person and I are getting closer and I am the spiritual teacher and he is learning what I am teaching him and he is using his gifts like you said, he is being tested and he is passing the tests presented to him. I am hoping that soon we will be able to be together and fully close out this toxic karmic cycle. Much love and light always!

  • Lynn Brewer
    Posted at 12:21h, 16 December Reply

    Karma I can’t tell you how much this reading, as ones in the past, resonates with me & what is currently happening in my life! Appreciate you, your gifts & guidance! Thank you for the clarity that was desperately needed. 🙂

  • Collette Genereux
    Posted at 12:17h, 16 December Reply

    This really spoke to me. My daughter has anger mgmt issues. In Aug I gave them an opportunity for a vacation in a beautiful home on a lake. She is in University 4th yr, so I thought a vacation would be perfect for all her hard work. The only request was to clean up afterwards, on the day to return home. I asked several times if she had cleaned up as requested. She said yes while looking me in the eye. Afterwards looked and she hasn’t cleaned. I sent her a text message with pics saying that she lied and didn’t clean up. She texted me back, that she didn’t have to explain herself and I should f off, she deserves a better mother. Hasn’t spoke to me since and has me blocked on everything. So I have dropped off the radar.

    I’m so hurt shocked and dismayed. I’m the only person fighting to get her and her brother out if abusive home. I did a lot of things to help her get set up in her own place , helped her bf get a great job and had her working in ny business.

    All this so I could be treated like crap! I’m heart broken but learning to move forward.

  • Carolyn Saunders
    Posted at 11:46h, 16 December Reply

    Thank you for this message. I know who and what your talking about. Is there any way to fix generational curses? Happy holidays…

  • Kathleen Showalter
    Posted at 11:30h, 16 December Reply


    WOW…. Is all I can say.. In November I resonated with you but this December reading made me emotional as I felt like you were right in front of me speaking. Things happened to me exactly like you stated. The growth I went through the last 2 wks to months have been very painful but necessary. . I loved this reading so much.

    Thank you for your gifts & blessings you brought to us today. In love & Light. Kat

  • Krishna
    Posted at 10:43h, 16 December Reply

    Thank Youuuu Karma….This one is going to really rattle my friend…it should resonate 100% with her….Thanks again….as Always…!!!

  • Much more than the abused girl
    Posted at 10:37h, 16 December Reply

    Thank you Karma – this so resonates and continued from your reading to me on 12/13/22. Much more than the abused girl and the doctor. I have worked so hard since your reading and have watched it 4 times, so far. I’m walking closer with Jesus since your reading and mentally clearing out the negative holds on me. The doctor is coming – I feel it! Much love and many thanks!

  • Tracey
    Posted at 10:36h, 16 December Reply

    Thank you. Again.
    I’ve done a lot of investment in myself since I saw my ex a year ago. Within 4 weeks he was in a rebound relationship and still is. I’m very excited for the future in every way; love and business. The best is yet to be 🙏❤️

  • Angela Noble
    Posted at 10:28h, 16 December Reply

    Oh my word! Yes we had a terrible argument I November as you said. We do seem to be becoming friends again. Hopefully to become stronger in our relationship. He is Virgo I am Gemini coincidence maybe?
    Thank you.

  • Correct
    Posted at 10:21h, 16 December Reply

    Omg! The past position is so accurate, the present position is sooo accurate! That is me currently. I do believe this is my soulmate, there are certainly outside ppl that is influencing our relationship, that karmic past has reared up again. Everything is so accurate! Thank you for all that you do and all that you are. Looking forward to the future with hope, Peace and love ❤️

    • Sherri Lynn Welch
      Posted at 05:45h, 17 December Reply

      Dear karma

      Hello my friend you were channeling me very well this week I am right in this middle of my divorce and are very torn between my soon to be ex husband and my family. After 22 years of marriage and a 9 year engagement my husband got very violent with me my daughter and granddaughter. We are all still healing emotionally psychologically and spirituality my family and I have restraining orders against my husband so he’s not allowed to communicate with us at the same time I lost my job your weekly readings have helped me decide to move forward and try to make the best of each day thanks again Sherri Welch

  • Rozalia
    Posted at 10:17h, 16 December Reply

    That was fantastic thank you 🙂 I am claiming that Ace of Pentacles 😀 lolz.

  • Valerie
    Posted at 10:15h, 16 December Reply

    Thank you my dear, you are wonderful love Valerie xxxxxxxxx

  • Delia Godoy
    Posted at 10:13h, 16 December Reply

    OMG!!!! Karma it was too strong so on point…

  • terry ulyses cosner
    Posted at 10:13h, 16 December Reply


  • Joy Lynne Artigli
    Posted at 10:11h, 16 December Reply

    Karma Karma, Karma you have discussed my life right now to a T. OMG!! my twin flame has finally released a karmic relationship that has held him back so terribly and has been ignoring all that he has tried to do to hang on to what they had. But now that we’re coming into union she is watching and is trying to interfere with us. It’s like a game to her and she wants to win. She is a vile person who has no interest in capturing his heart. She’s there with her hand out and it shows. I dislike the way this reading ended because it makes me nervous to think she is really going to try and trick him once more. My twin and I are building a life together but it’s the very very beginning so it seems fragile. You are an amazing woman with a strong connection to the Divine. Your being spoken to in an intense and meaningful way to benefit all of f us. Much love to you for what you do Karma.

  • Miranda
    Posted at 10:10h, 16 December Reply

    Wow Karma, like you were talking to me in person.

  • Carol Richardson
    Posted at 10:06h, 16 December Reply

    I am 65, been trying to negotiate a win win property easement, Poor communication with daughter-in-law, I am no more being taken advantage of, As for soulmate, made an offer, was refused, Emotionally unavailable, so I am taking care of me. Good reading.

  • Shenice Scipio
    Posted at 10:02h, 16 December Reply

    Thank you

  • Ruby
    Posted at 10:01h, 16 December Reply

    Hi Karna, In today’s energy read you hit the arrow right at the core 🎯 👍. Thank you for this read.

    • Nazimah Aullybux
      Posted at 10:42h, 16 December Reply

      Thank you karma. You have enlight me with your reading..

    • Aurelio
      Posted at 10:45h, 16 December Reply

      As always karma exellent reading and also is a pleasure to enjoy your Stunning beauty

  • Ali Bulus
    Posted at 09:58h, 16 December Reply

    how can I recognize my soul mate what are the signs ?

  • Teresa Elliott
    Posted at 09:49h, 16 December Reply

    Love to here from you !!

  • Scottie Causway
    Posted at 08:59h, 16 December Reply

    In the process of releasing my ex! Vengeful and vindictive person. He will receive his own karma for what he did…

    • Lija Erkhova
      Posted at 18:33h, 16 December Reply

      Omg!!! This reading was on all levels, so speaking to what I am going through right now in my life. I cannot express enough. Thank you.

  • Maude Arianne
    Posted at 23:49h, 15 December Reply

    Thank you karma ❤️ The depth and resonance of your readings is always so profound for me. I am very grateful for you and all that you do. Love and blessings ❤️

  • Joan Agnessanto
    Posted at 22:38h, 15 December Reply

    An amazing read again, thank you! By the way go back and look at the video I believe you have two orbs floating around when looking at you in the video it’s on your left hand side pretty cool it happened twice I thought it was funny but it was two orbs thanks again I can’t wait to save up enough money because I plan on having another read with you you’re the best you always make me feel calm🙏🏼😇😘

    • miyako
      Posted at 23:47h, 15 December Reply

      I saw it too!
      And actually I witnessed it in last week’s video as well.
      While she was shuffling the cards, two clear ones and a few vague ones appeared.

  • Katherina O'Neil
    Posted at 20:19h, 15 December Reply

    Virgo energy, Gemini energy
    Resonates so much at this time
    Thank you Karma for this wonderful reading ✨️

    • Letty
      Posted at 18:28h, 16 December Reply

      I’m so greatful to have you read my cards Karma .
      It’s clear what you meant and I’ll use it as my guidelines.
      Love and blessings.

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