Clearing The Air | New Moon In Gemini Horoscope

Hi Friends,

Do you ever stop and think about how powerful words can be?

Not only do they impact your relationships with others, they also have the ability to create your reality.

Since we’re in the midst of a Mercury Retrograde, issues around communication have probably been on your mind more than usual.

And the upcoming New Moon in Gemini on May 30th will bring the power of your words and thoughts into even greater focus.

There is a strong karmic theme to this New Moon that may require you to take responsibility for things you’ve said in the past, or test out your ideas in the real world.

But while there may be some challenges ahead, the New Moon in Gemini could also have you feeling curious and enthusiastic about life in a brand new way.

There’s a lot going on this New Moon, so let’s take a closer look at what it has in store for you.

Overflowing With Possibility

Do you remember being a child and feeling like anything was possible?

Geminis are the children of the Zodiac. They know how to keep an open mind, have fun, surprise you with their wit… and at times, their immaturity. 

This fast-thinking air sign is a genius when it comes to communication, and can often connect the dots before anyone else figures it out.

Gemini has a powerful ability to change and adapt, sometimes to the point of being perceived as unreliable. 

But don’t take their rapid changes of heart personally. It’s in their nature to drop things they already understand in favor of something newer and more interesting.

So with the New Moon happening in Gemini on May 30th, you can expect to feel more talkative, curious, and eager to explore the possibilities for your life.

You’ll be able to handle complex situations more easily, and could even find a solution for a confusing issue you’ve been facing.

This is because your ability to look at things objectively will be enhanced. 

As a result, you may notice a connection between things in your life that you didn’t think were related. Or something could happen that makes you realize how much you still don’t know, inspiring you to set out on a new quest for knowledge.

At its best, the Gemini New Moon can bring renewal to how you process information, sparking a new phase of learning and discovery.

Gemini is a perpetual student, and their beginner’s mind is the secret to their youthful energy.

So if you’re overdue for a healthy dose of wonder, curiosity, and a fresh perspective on your life, the New Moon in Gemini will deliver the opportunity you need to make a shift. 

However, due to the influence of other planets during the New Moon, it’s possible that things could feel a bit heavier than you’d like.

Walking Your Talk

Do you believe in karma? 

The idea that every action has a reaction, even if it doesn’t happen right away?

Well there’s a planet that represents karma and reaping what you sow. It’s Saturn. And it’s not playing around this New Moon. 

While Saturn won’t be aspecting the New Moon this month, (the New Moon actually has no major aspects,) it will be aspecting Mercury in retrograde. 

This is significant because the New Moon is in Gemini, and Mercury is traditionally ruled by Gemini.

Saturn is taking a challenging stance toward retrograde Mercury, meaning that you could powerfully feel the impact of your past thoughts and words.

This makes the New Moon a perfect time to take responsibility for how you think and express yourself to others. 

It’s possible you could have a habit of saying things that hurt someone you care about, whether or not you meant to.

Or you might start to become more aware of the negative effects of lying, criticism, sarcasm, or judgmental tendencies.

Just remember to be kind and gentle with yourself and others during this harsh influence.

You might feel low energy, pessimistic, or overly serious around the New Moon. So try to keep that in mind and not beat yourself up with negative self-talk.

You might also feel challenged to bring your ideas into reality, and resolve any annoying obstacles that could be standing in the way of you doing so.

This New Moon will be a time when your thoughts and habits around expressing yourself will be tested.

If you practice patience and embrace opportunities to act maturely, you’ll pass the test with flying colors.

And this is great news, because there’s one more powerful influence this New Moon that could put some extra wind in your sails.

Renewed Enthusiasm

Mars and Jupiter have recently entered Aries, the sign of courage, impulse, and passion. 

They’re currently mingling very close to each other in the sky, and while they’re not perfectly aspecting the New Moon, it’s likely you’ll still feel their effect.

You can think of air sign Gemini as the oxygen that fuels Aries’ fire. So with the New Moon in Gemini flirting with Mars and Jupiter in Aries, expect to see sparks fly!

This influence could have you feeling highly motivated and optimistic during the New Moon, despite Saturn’s sobering effect. 

Keep in mind though that Jupiter has a way of magnifying the energy of other planets, sometimes to an unsustainable level. This means you could feel Mars’ influence to the extreme, resulting in unchecked impulses, arguments, aggression, or saying things that you quickly regret. 

However, since Mars and Jupiter are in a positive relationship to the New Moon, it’s more likely that you will be feeling a powerful desire for new experiences, meaningful connections, and personal expansion.

All in all, the New Moon in Gemini is set to be anything but dull!

So keep an open mind to new information over the coming days, because this New Moon could inspire a brand new perspective on life. 

With Joy,

Luna Dragonwell

P.S. Is there someone you need to clear the air with? Have you been dealing with a complex situation that you’re ready to find answers to? Let me know in the comments below!

Luna Dragonfire
Luna Dragonwell

Luna Dragonfire has been fascinated with the stars since she was a child. She is a lifelong student of astrology and loves sharing about the significance of the planets in our daily lives.

  • Kal
    Posted at 12:29h, 27 May Reply

    I have been married to a Narcissist now for 28 years and I had no idea how to define his actions and behaviours until now till I started to learn all about Narcissist. He has done worst things to hurt me and scar my soul deep so much so that I want to move on as he never appreciated me or his daughter.
    He is not letting it happen as won’t communicate or understand how difficult he has made it for us to stay with him with his actions and behaviour clearly shouting he doesn’t care for us. Do you see me and my daughter having a happy peaceful focused and loving life free of his toxicity this year soon?

  • Anup Paul
    Posted at 11:31h, 27 May Reply

    I am so impressed by the presentation of astrological facts in such a lucid and intelligible manner for a layman.. The predictions are really accurate and I could relate the predictions in my real life. Thanking you Angel Adams and his amazing team to make all these possible for us I enjoy and follow the writings and insights shared by Angel Adams. And wait eagerly for his astronomical predictions and advice, every week in my email. I wish Angel Adam and his amazing team all the very best and my sincere appreciation and best regards. Keep up the good work you all are doing.

  • Sue
    Posted at 04:02h, 27 May Reply

    My ex is taking me to small claims court over a house deposit I was awarded back by a 3rd party. He feels aggrieved over the decision and now wants compensating for rent and bills when I left. As under duress at the time I sent 1 email stating keep the deposit.
    We have never spoken again and it’s 16 months later of healing for me, he is already engaged to someone else.
    I wish him well and would like this to all go away and not have this lingering over me.
    I want the air cleared and purified.

  • Ashley frazier
    Posted at 19:21h, 26 May Reply

    I have been with my current boyfriend going on 12 years but this last year has been hard. I went into a spell on depression a year ago and he took it as me just giving up and started “doing his own thing” meaning staying gone for days at a time. This lead to many hurtful nights alone and I didn’t understand what was happening. I was so angry that I said things I didn’t mean, as did he. We’re still stuck in this cycle and it’s literally destroying us. We love each other but we’re struggling to trust each other again. I’m not sure how to fix it or what to do

  • Cheryl Kapitzke
    Posted at 13:39h, 26 May Reply

    I really need to talk to my ex boyfriend and clear the air. Things need to be talked about and besides all that I miss him. 2-26-1975 David

  • Ruth Faisuly Gómez
    Posted at 13:18h, 26 May Reply

    I am expecting the coordinators to respond my e-mails. I wish it happens soon so I can clear my situation with my students and improve our classes as well as the environment in the classroom.

  • MEP
    Posted at 10:59h, 26 May Reply

    I have this draw to have a deep talk with my husband and let rest all the past issues. Let all the hurt go and move forward

  • Miguelina Krier
    Posted at 10:46h, 26 May Reply

    I want to clear the air with my ex, my husband for 28 years and soulmate.

  • Shasikala
    Posted at 07:54h, 26 May Reply

    There is person who I have a deep invisible bond with whom I met about 6 years ago. It’s a weird connection feel as if I know him for a long time. Maybe I Knew him when we were children. he is 7 years younger than me. He has a family wife and two group children. He is mysterious, knowingly or unknowingly he always hurt my feelings, there are few woman who is around him who manipulated him don’t let him think for him self. At the same time he doesn’t want to let me go. want me to be part of his life but continue to hurt my feelings some how unable to speak to him because of his family situation feels as if I’m stuck in roll a coster ride of emotions. please advise.

  • Angelo Michael Madafferi
    Posted at 07:39h, 26 May Reply

    When I was 9 years old, I met my first, real, deep crush. She was/is 4 years older than me. We’re family friends. Last year in September 2021, we reconciled and I fell in love immediately. We were both in a bad mental state at the time but the emotional and spiritual connection was there. For 5 months, we spent so much time together, healed each other’s wounds and brought out the absolute best versions of each other. We were happy. We were planning a future together.

    February this year, over a text message and out of nowhere – she turned on me. It was like I was speaking to a whole other person and we had a massive falling out. It destroyed me and I have tried reaching out to make things right, 4 times now, and have received nothing in response. I feel so abandoned and for months I have wanted to clear the air but am all out of options it is the biggest roadblock in my life right now, being unable to reach and fulfil my true purpose in life. I can’t continue my journey without the answers I have desperately needed for months.

    Someone, anyone, please help me.

  • Evelyn Malanda
    Posted at 06:14h, 26 May Reply

    Hi Luna , I have someone I want to clear my air with my cousin she said something that hurt me badly , past two months am trying to talk to her but I couldn’t so thank you Luna for reminding me about this .

  • Ginelle Borneo
    Posted at 04:08h, 26 May Reply

    Hi Luna there has been a misunderstanding btwn me ad the person i really care about i hv tried to make ammends but forces and situations beyond my control have made it very very difficult, we used to talkabt anything nw there is this huge gap and i dnt knw hw to fix this, sometimes i feel like giving up but i am holding strong with faith and perserverance

  • Felividad
    Posted at 01:17h, 26 May Reply

    Hi Thank you so much for your kindness reading of my situation, Can I Ask you if this man is real one , distance relationship is hard to handle but is so fantastic to send messages , delivering his feelings so enthusiastic etc etc . Sometimes I’m in that is me badly side but tarot telling he good and real , can I believe to tarot reading also because tarot card , Theo were not true for just ? I need your direct reading bad or good ,God bless as clairvoyant

  • Unique. Miracle
    Posted at 00:44h, 26 May Reply

    I’ve been wanting to have a conversation and clear the air with my ex-girlfriend’s we’ve been broken up for a year-and-a-half and it was just really a bad breakup and I still love her to death to the day but she don’t answer my emails or anything so I guess I put it in the past now but I kind of would like to have a conversation about it but I’m cool with not having a conversation about it shit happens. And that year-and-a-half I learned a lot about myself I’ve changed a lot and I’m just ready you know to move on but I still hold her in my heart and I believe that she is my soulmate.

  • James Scott Glenn
    Posted at 23:14h, 25 May Reply

    Please help me with my ex girlfriend Deb we broke up about 2 weeks ago. Please do you see anything at all about us and her? What’s going to happen between us I’m devastated by our separation. Please help me please

  • Carolyn E Mills
    Posted at 23:08h, 25 May Reply

    Well. I find love this year. And. Money

  • CMarie
    Posted at 22:56h, 25 May Reply

    I want to clear up a situation that happened last Sunday. I have been dating this man for a year and a 1/2. We spend a great deal of time together, have an amazing time no matter what we do and love each other very much. It’s taken a while to get to the amazing place we are right now. ❤️ Very Happy.
    However, his ex-girlfriend is always calling and texting him, I don’t know why.
    Last Sunday morning at 8:00 am she texted him and asked him to go for a walk, wtf?
    We were in bed together and I saw the texts when he picked up his phone to read it.
    I couldn’t believe it! I was devastated because he told me it was over and all in the past. My reaction was not the best! I got angry then got dressed and left his house very upset. I said some mean things to him in anger that I very much regret. Afterwards, he refused to talk about it on the phone or in-person. I’m so very confused!
    I don’t want this relationship to end as I feel we are soul mates. I don’t know how to get the real truth from him and hopefully get back on track to where we were. It’s been four days and we’ve only exchanged a few texts…his were not very nice… Saying it’s over.
    Am I wrong for what I did? Am I to blame?
    Would reacting like I did warrant this type of response? Help.

  • Hope McGowan
    Posted at 22:50h, 25 May Reply

    I would like to clear the air I need truth clarification my ex Kim

  • Mettu Ajay
    Posted at 22:35h, 25 May Reply

    Fast successful my goal riched remedies please help me

  • Jason White
    Posted at 22:15h, 25 May Reply

    I need to clear the air with my friend Carl. We’ve been friends for over 2 years and I still don’t really know him very well he’s not open about anything personal and is very secretive and dishonest. I want to know who he really is and what he does and what his secrets are. I love him like a brother but I’m suspicious of him. He likes to hack my phone and I want to know why. Who is he really???

  • Lana Cole
    Posted at 21:48h, 25 May Reply

    I need to clear the air, I need answers… I’ve been dealing with people following me and watching every move I make,. I’ve had my suspension about my husband being involved regarding the matter and a woman he works with. And now some new things have come to light confirming the fact . How does a husband of 18 years set out to work against you? Seeing the cause and effect it has on me and turns it around by saying your delusional? When all along he is the one plotting it by using his co workers and friends….What am I dealing with? Cause I know now I clearly need to learn to live without him as he is toxic to my life….

  • Rose DeVaul
    Posted at 21:37h, 25 May Reply

    My ex fiance and I are at a difficult time right now cause of his promise being broken cause of his addiction. It put his life and others in danger. How can we move past this

  • Sabrina Moss
    Posted at 21:35h, 25 May Reply

    Hi Luna I have a boyfriend who hasn’t had sexual relations with me since 1/19/2021 and claims he’s not with someone else. He always come around me but lately seems to draw back from hugging and kissing me accusing me of breaking up with him because I told him I need a man that will be intimate with me and build a life with me. Not just come around to say he stopped by a couple of hours a day. He tell me he loves me as do I him but I’m beginning to think why are we still hanging on to each other or perhaps it’s me hanging on because I don’t want to be starting all over again and trying to find someone new it’s been nearly 3 years we been together and 15 years we have known each other. I just want him to realize we’re better together than apart. Hopefully I’ll come to a solution real soon about the relationship.

  • Anthony McPherson
    Posted at 21:22h, 25 May Reply

    They are a young girl being raised by her mom’s brother and family I believe I am her dad she don’t know me thinks her dad is dead people raising her no about me can’t get her out of my head

  • joan
    Posted at 21:09h, 25 May Reply

    Hi Luna
    I just read your forecast & i did clear the air with one of my girlfriends. I feel that she needed to corrected & maybe i was opinionated, but she asked me why i was
    annoyed with her, i feel that we have outgrown each other. This clearing out on my part was just last Thurs May 19. I have no desire to get close with her again.
    We just are not compatible, her name is Mary, I have been thru 25 yrs of intense therapy & i feel so much better for it, but not Mary she refuses to get some help & she is
    in denial.
    Thank you
    Joan Carr

  • Crystal Jacobs
    Posted at 20:57h, 25 May Reply

    I want to know if my ex is the same guy reaching out to me from some hospital. And if so why does he say different things abd how does he really feel. And how do I get rid of this hold he has on me

  • Amelie
    Posted at 20:56h, 25 May Reply

    I waved and wanted to talk to my crush who we had multiple eye contacts for the past 3 months. But he ran away without taking a glance at me when I did that, I’m so heart broken and confused if he even likes me?

  • Holly Marie komher
    Posted at 20:55h, 25 May Reply

    I want to know why my ex treated me the way he did and then went back to the ex before me she has something over him to keep him away from me

  • P.M.Garcia
    Posted at 20:48h, 25 May Reply

    How do you apologize for something you said .Because he doesnt talk to me and ofcourse my mind. Works overtime. Now Missing him. And wishing I could take it all back. Except the communication part. Can you read my tarot My mouth alwaya?gets me in trouble..

  • Craig grimes
    Posted at 20:40h, 25 May Reply

    Since my ex came back to town my partner and myself I have moved out was it wrong to visit my ex

  • Shannon Harding
    Posted at 20:37h, 25 May Reply

    I have been wanting to have a conversation and clear the air with someone. I truly believe they deliberately did something very cruel to me.
    I tried a few times asking them if it would be ok to get things sorted out. The silence has caused my heart to break and even me to cry.
    As a result I sent a couple of very cruel letters. I doubt they care. I do care because they aren’t something I do. I hate myself for it.

    • Liz HEALEY
      Posted at 21:49h, 25 May Reply

      I know exactly how you feel . These feeling I myself own.
      And even harder when there
      no answerers to it. .
      silence no communication nothing..truly you look beyond for answers…find comfort in them .Tarot Reading ..but
      To hear what really happened in our really have to call your physic .in my case I have to bear with it as I don’t have finance.i hope u find
      Peace blessings

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