03 Nov Take Your Time | Weekend Love Tarot Reading | 11/4 – 11/6
Are you feeling ready to let go of old relationship baggage?
Are you still deciding how much you want to invest in a certain love connection?
Karma says you’re at a bit of a crossroads and the key is to take your time right now.
She’s here to reveal the energies at play, so you can let go of what isn’t working once and for all, here in her Weekend Tarot Reading. Enjoy!
Click Here For A Live Reading With Karma
(Promo Code: COSMIC provides 10% off a reading when purchasing on Etsy.)
P.S. Have you been wavering on where you stand in this love situation? What do you need to let go of in order to move forward? Leave a comment below and let Karma know!

Hi, everyone! Happy November. Welcome to your Cosmic Weekend Love Reading.
I am Karma. And today we’re going to take a look at the energy that is coming in and surrounding your current love connection, and see what messages and guidance we can get from the Holy Spirit.
I just want to give a moment of gratitude. And thanks to all of you for continuing to tune in for your wonderful support in this month of November. Just giving thanks to all those that matter. So thank you so much, from the bottom of my heart for your support and for coming back to Cosmic every weekend and every week. We truly appreciate you guys.
So let’s go ahead and jump right into my blessing and my prayer. And then we’ll see what messages the Holy Spirit has for you.
Brother God, divine in the spirit of the most high, thank you for allowing me to be a clear channel and receiving messages for the collective in regard to their current love situation. I ask that these messages provide clarity, guidance, healing, and understanding as well as a higher knowledge and perception into what karmic cycles, soul lessons, or generational curses they may currently be going through, about to go, need to become aware of, learn from, cue from, and release. Learn and know that you are, know that you do. And all that I am, know that I do. I live by your word and your word only. In Yeshua his name, I pray, Amen.
So there’s two things that are coming very clear to me before we pull cards: Mother wounds, and I keep hearing and seeing: full circle, full, full circle, as well as the color green. So heart chakra. So there may be nurturing self love wounds that are rising up for you this weekend or that you’ve been noticing or coming into your thought realm, okay. So it’s important to pay attention to that.
Your first card out, you do have the Ten of Swords. Okay, then we have the Two of Pentacles. And the Ace of Swords.
It’s interesting – I felt the Ace of Swords. I actually thought it was going to be the first card out. It makes sense that the Ace of Swords is here with what I was seeing before just considering that there’s something that’s going to be cleared. You’re going to receive some type of knowledge or wisdom or knowing clarity and a time of confusion.
Okay, on the bottom of the deck, you do have the Knight of Cups. This is what you don’t see coming. Wow, wow, Knight of Cups, Knight of Cups and the Sun. Okay, so this is what you don’t see taking place on the bottom.
There’s a wish fulfillment coming in. But if you don’t work through this particular wound, it will be blocked because the Two of Swords was there as well.
So in the recent past, you had the Ten of Swords, you know, we’ve been seeing this in the collective. So it doesn’t surprise me. I actually like the Ten of Swords for you. Because this lets me know that you’re finally putting a cycle to rest. You’re closing it out. You’re not going to be bringing this baggage with you anymore.
I feel that something has completed not only physically in your 3D reality, but it has completed in your mind, in your soul. You’re finally ready to put something to rest. I think that you had to siphon through and find all of the little pieces that were creating a heavy load for you like baggage, and you’re finally ready to get it all out.
Okay, now you’ve made this decision consciously in the recent past, could have even been this past week. Okay? For some of you, it could have been in October. And now it’s finally coming up here in November for you to just close it out.
You are still teeter-tottering and struggling with closing it out. Because I see you here kind of in limbo with this Two of Pentacles over this decision.
Wow, there’s a lot going on in the collective. So I’m going to try to touch bases with all of you for a minute. Spirit, show me how to divide this up. So let’s divide you guys up into groups. So you kind of know where you belong. And then I’ll go forward with explaining what I’m seeing.
There are two groups specifically. There’s some groups that have been waiting for someone. There was a very toxic history with this person. I don’t feel like you’ve moved on. I feel like you’re waiting for this person. You’ve been working on yourself. You’ve been healing yourself and you’re wanting and expecting and hopeful for the same for this person to come forward. And you’re at a point where you’re kind of juggling, “Do I stay? Do I go to fully close this out? Do I let it go? And will this person come towards me if I let go?” Okay, that’s for number one.
Number two, there’s a group of you that have been simultaneously waiting for someone but still dating and talking to other people. And you may now find yourself in a position where you have to make a decision between two now because the past is probably going to pop back up.
For both of you, there is a love that’s trying to come towards you. Okay, there is a love that’s trying to make its way towards you. With an offer that will be your wish fulfillment, that is something that’s being sent from the Divine or else we wouldn’t have the Sun here, it’s something that you’ve prayed for. Okay? Doesn’t mean that it’s going to be the same person.
The problem is this Ten of Swords on the bottom. You have to fully let go of this Ten of Swords in the past. And that’s what you’re struggling with here.
So tell me, Holy Spirit, about this Two of Pentacles, please. Yeah, you’re taking your time? Well, you’ve invested a lot into yourself over the last few months, especially since this ending or this, this cycle that came to an abrupt stop, or this past relationship where you were betrayed. Okay?
And so you’ve invested a lot into yourself here, and it’s taken you time to finally get to this point, where you’re at in your journey, where you’re starting to feel aligned. You’re starting to feel content. You’re starting to feel happy. And I feel like a lot of your decision making right now when it comes to love and how to move forward is based on a new perception instead of just overloading your plate with other things to be involved in.
You’re really conscious now about: “How can I balance this with this? Does this mesh well in my life now?” There just seems to be a more moderated thought process when it comes to investing into a connection. You’re looking for something that’s smoother, not as bumpy or tumultuous as it may have been in the past. And that’s really what’s helping you make a decision. That’s what you’re relying on here: “This is what I’ve been through in the past. What do I have to do to avoid those types of situations? I just want smooth sailing.” Okay? You’ve been very, very patient.
Again, I’m getting this energy that you’ve waited. You’ve been waiting for something to come to fruition. You’ve been waiting for something to appear. It’s going to appear.
You have the Ace of Swords as what’s going to be taking place next. So while you’re still in this energy of waiting, I feel like it’s preparation for a conversation or a new piece of information that’s coming your way, possibly this Knight of Cups that wants to offer you their love in relationship. Okay? They may also feel like you’re still blocked off because there’s a little bit of baggage that still needs to be addressed.
Please, Spirit, clarify please the Ace of Swords. Wow, while I was not expecting this, you have the Ace of Wands. This is somebody coming forward who wants to offer you either a reconciliation, some type of acknowledgement of something that took place, an action that took place that did not necessarily make you feel good. You learned a lot of lessons from this action that this person took. They’re now wanting to come forward and reconcile. They want to take some sort of action towards you and create a new passionate beginning.
I like the Ace of Wands for you because it allows you to create whatever you want. It’s fresh energy. Nothing’s been created from this one yet. So you have the opportunity to manifest, build, and create whatever you want with this opportunity that’s coming towards you.
I feel overall that spirit is telling you to be patient with your decision. There are lessons that need to be learned and acquired during this time.
I also feel like this person is coming in with more passion than you have at the current moment. I feel you’re just going to be a little bit more reserved because you’re looking for specific truths to help you make a decision on whether or not this is the right investment for you.
All right, family. I look forward to seeing you next week. I’m sending you much love. Enjoy your weekend. Bye.
Jane njeri njoki
Posted at 20:15h, 08 NovemberI don’t really know what is really wrong with me everytime I try making a move on love in life it fails what could be the issue
Posted at 17:54h, 07 NovemberThis sooooooo did not resonate with me. Today he told me he’s moving on. There’s too much stress in his life to deal with us. I’m soooo heart broken. Really heart broken.
Emma Sharp
Posted at 10:54h, 07 NovemberJust thank you karma x
Posted at 22:40h, 08 NovemberYou’re welcome, Emma! Thank You for tuning in!
Posted at 21:16h, 06 NovemberThanks Karma for insightful sharing as always!
Divine blessings to you for your healing and transcendence!
Posted at 22:41h, 08 NovemberYou’re Welcome! And Thank You, Divine blessings to you as well!
Dee Plante
Posted at 16:18h, 06 NovemberYou are amazingly right on every reading.This resonates with me totally.. I’m thinking about a personal reading very soon.
Posted at 22:43h, 08 NovemberHello Dee! I am so glad that these collective readings are resonating with you! Looking forward to connecting with you!
Andy C
Posted at 15:39h, 06 NovemberKarma,you are a beautiful person.Your readings are so accurate.Look forward to your readings every week.
Posted at 22:43h, 08 NovemberHi Andy, Thank You so much for your kind words. I am so grateful that you are resonating from these readings! Xo
Posted at 15:18h, 06 NovemberHe hasn’t changed. I was hopeful that he would come back. He just said I want you to move on. Hurt emotions. Not what I wanted to hear
. Not leaving because of money loss.
Posted at 22:49h, 08 NovemberHi Karen, I am sending you love and guidance and healing. I know it’s hard to understand in the moment of uncertainity but rejection is always God’s protection. Trust that you will be aligned with what you deserve and what is meant for you! Much love, Karma
Lynn Boggs
Posted at 07:58h, 06 NovemberKarma you are beautiful I’ve been getting your weekend reading for just a couple of months and your always spot on.
I’ve been waiting for too long and I’m really angry and unsettled. I’m trying to get through all this but feel I’m just hanging on the fence and too afraid to make a real decision.
Posted at 22:50h, 08 NovemberHi Lynn,
When in doubt, always choose yourself, and your happiness. It’s not always the easiest decision to make, but it will bring us into balance and clarity much quicker! Xo- Karma
Maxine Hassanali
Posted at 06:50h, 06 NovemberKarma … I am unresolved
I am so undecided what to do. I feel I have tried every scenario possible to make things work, I am still at a loss. Can you please help me xx
Posted at 23:00h, 08 NovemberHello Maxine, I am sorry to hear that you are going through a confusing time. As hard as it is to accept, when something just doesn’t seem to be aligning that is a sign that at this time, it is best to pull your energy back and turn your focus within and ask for guidance through prayer. I am praying for your clarity, healing and understanding. Much love, Karma
Posted at 05:10h, 06 NovemberThank you, Karma, very accurate for me, Hmm I think I saw what could be a fairy fly from your tree at the beginning of the reading
Posted at 23:05h, 08 NovemberYou’re Welcome, Anne! I am glad it resonates! Yes, I too noticed when I rewatched that something flew through
Xo – Karma
Posted at 04:43h, 06 NovemberYou‘re on point as always!!!! Thank you so much dear Karma
Posted at 23:11h, 08 NovemberThank You for the kind words! You are welcome! Xo- Karma
Posted at 03:11h, 06 NovemberThank you Karma for your great reading.
Posted at 23:12h, 08 NovemberYou are welcome, Ramona! Thank You for tuning in! Sending love! Xo – Karma
Posted at 23:05h, 05 NovemberThank you for the reading karma. i have been following for about 6 weeks now and enjoy the readings very much. Thank you for sharing your gift.
Posted at 23:13h, 08 NovemberHi Barbara,
You are welcome! Thank you so much for your support and tuning in! Xo- Karma
Posted at 21:43h, 05 NovemberYou say we may not get the old Person back from the Past but it’s the Divine who’s sending our New Person. to us. We couldn’t aslk for anything better even though the Past was hard for us. Thanx Karma I am filled with Hope.
Posted at 20:39h, 05 NovemberThank you Karma. Your reading touched on matters I’ve been dealing with, i gained some clarity & hope.
Posted at 23:13h, 08 NovemberHi Wendy,
You are welcome! I am glad to hear that it resonated for you! Xo- Karma
Karen Meeks
Posted at 17:59h, 05 NovemberThanks for your gift. I am in both groups in a way? Have been divorced for 4 years now. My ex will not let me go. Have tried hard to end this but he plays guilt trip games.
In the meantime have been in a on again off again relationship with a man I truly care for and am currently living with but we are no longer romantically involved. Ever since the Hurricane hit SW Florida my life has been a shambles.
Thanks for your reading. Gives me hope.
Posted at 23:17h, 08 NovemberHi Karen,
You are welcome! I am glad to know that you resonate with this reading. I pray that the Holy Spirit covers and guides you during this time! Many blessings! Xo – Karma
Leah Grace Penaranda
Posted at 17:54h, 05 NovemberIt was 10 yrsthat he claimed he wasted… he was never grateful for the fact that i helped him economically, he called it off about a month and a half ago with a phrase” lets rest for a while, all the nasty things that youve said during our fights has removed the love inside me”… though i felt there never was because he was just after the “ economics” of the relationship… living a much more easier life with me taking all of the necessary monetary thing and security…. now he didnt close it off yet, ive been waiting, i wantwd to move on, he even erased my name already in his arm( the tattoo)… he hanging me up in the air.. i belong to group 1 i think but…
Posted at 11:28h, 05 NovemberMore change is coming to CLARIFY the situation >> WONDERFUL as I have some patience to make the Right Decision.
Group 1 or Group 2 > I can feel some of both, but getting Finalized with the 10 of swords is the immediate task at hand.
Maybe I’ll just leave and go live in my truck in the forest for a couple of day to Clarify and Let Go of the toxic history.
Posted at 23:19h, 08 NovemberYou are welcome! I would love to go live in the forest for a few days! LOL. A place of certain clarity and healing! I pray the Divine blesses you in many ways! Xo – Karma
roanne queppet
Posted at 10:52h, 05 NovemberIt always resonates with my love reading. I’m in a process of divorce. It was a toxic relationship and I wanted to move forward but he is making everything difficult. I’m seeing a special guy that he wants me to move forward. Karma you were right about the excess baggage. I am ready to let go of my past and embrace my future. I have been praying for so long to meet the Right Man for me. Thank you Karma
Posted at 14:44h, 05 NovemberI’m actually putting in for a divorce. So I’m slowly trying to let go of my past . But I feel like I’m still waiting for a certain person I fell in love with . It’s complicated.
Jerry W Hudson
Posted at 10:47h, 05 NovemberHello! Karma my name is Jerry Hudson and after 10 years me and my ex wife went our separate ways. I just started dating this young lady we instead hit it off I just wondering is she the right one aren’t. I can’t take another heart ache.
Posted at 10:38h, 05 NovemberYou are so right on with my past two years with someone!!! It’s if you have been watching me all along! Your words are very comforting!!! Thank you!
Posted at 23:21h, 08 NovemberYou’re Welcome, Skip! Thanks for tuning in! Xo – Karma
Shenice Scipio
Posted at 10:24h, 05 NovemberThank you
Posted at 23:23h, 08 NovemberYou’re Welcome, Shenice! Praying the Holy Spirit covers and protects you. Xo- Karma
Theresa Flannery
Posted at 10:18h, 05 NovemberThank you Karms! You give me hope that my ex husband will be coming forward to open up and talk about all the hurts and hopefully we will begin to communicate in a healthy way! His name is Joe and I still love him, I am moving forward a little but feel the closure needed for me to make a decision! Please pray for us Karma! I need him too!
Samantha Smith-Nard
Posted at 08:53h, 05 NovemberThis very much resonate with my situation in my relationship. I’m at a closing so Thank you so much Karma

Posted at 23:46h, 08 NovemberHi Samantha,
You are welcome! Thank you for tuning in! I am so happy it resonates with you! Xo- Karma
Justine Rae
Posted at 08:06h, 05 NovemberWow is right. Hit the nail on the head. Thank you for clarification in what I’ve known.

Posted at 07:34h, 05 NovemberI thank the Spirit
for gifting us with you Karma. Everything here resonates precisely with what is currently happening in my life. I’m elated to know that the work I’ve been doing since June 2021 has bared fruit. I’m just
amazed by how faithful our God is.
Thank you again

Carol Ziegler
Posted at 07:21h, 05 NovemberThank you so very much, I’m grateful for your insight!
Posted at 23:57h, 08 NovemberYou are welcome! Thank you for tuning in! Xo- Karma
Ellen Hill
Posted at 06:47h, 05 NovemberWe been together for almost 5 yrs, it almost feels like we r soulmates,but we r bumping heads alot. Not getting along. He is very mean to me,very aggressive with me,and I feel inside that he has another girl. Right now he is in jail may be going back ro prison again for the 3rd time…smh…ugh!
Posted at 06:29h, 05 NovemberYes very accurate in this reading thank you so much
Posted at 23:57h, 08 NovemberHi Lorraine,
I am glad this resonates for you! Thank you for tuning in! Xo- Karma
Posted at 05:59h, 05 NovemberYour reading told me, word for word, my current situation, and it was like reading a personal reading just for me!
It was perfect, and like a miracle.
It was very encouraging to know that I was not wrong and that I will continue to be watched.
I thank you from the bottom of my heart!
Posted at 00:57h, 09 NovemberHello Miyako! I am happy that this resonates for you! Sending much love and guidance on this journey! Xo – Karma
Elizabeth Velez
Posted at 05:22h, 05 NovemberI really appreciate your help and understanding, I appreciate your time and patience with your knowledge wisdom and understanding I appreciate it very much I hope too hear from you soon. Thank you very much have beautiful weekend till next weekend.

Posted at 01:09h, 09 NovemberHi Elizabeth –
You are welcome! Thank you for your support, and for tuning in! I appreciate you too! I pray the Holy Spirit guides and protects you. Xo- Karma
Brendelyn Charlotte Walls
Posted at 05:04h, 05 NovemberI feel like I’m in both groups. I have been dealing with a lot and having to be strong with my two teens and two adolescents.Watching your video help me understand where I need to start with first..
Michelle B
Posted at 05:00h, 05 NovemberYou hit my situation spot on. I don’t know where I stand with him, he definitely know where he stand with me. It’s so confusing. I try having a conversation with him and he just try to avoid it. I need to know what he want from me, that’s what I’m having trouble with.
Posted at 04:28h, 05 NovemberHi Karma your reading really resonated with me this week. I am in the first group without a doubt. My ex who hurt me deeply and I are supposed to be meeting for the first time in 16 months face to face on 19/11 so the ace of wands was good to see. I am definitely in the two of pentacles place right now so we will see what the divine sees fit to bring to me and what happens in the coming weeks. What will be will be. Thank you for your readings they are always so accurate you truly have a gift.
Posted at 01:31h, 09 NovemberHi Rachel,
You are welcome! Thank you for continuing to tune in, I am happy to know that they are resonating for you! Praying for healing and guidance on your journey! Xo – Karma
Lori M
Posted at 04:17h, 05 NovemberSeems like I am once again at the. Crossroads, not knowing which way to go. Backwards in the past or forward, with current flame or sideways with one I have waited my whole life that plays endless games. Ignores me for weeks on end n contacts me like he never disappeared. I’m so lost.
Posted at 04:07h, 05 NovemberThank you Karma for your guidance, I am in the first group. I am trusting what will be will be.
Posted at 01:40h, 09 NovemberYou’re welcome, Sam! Sending clarity and guidance! Xo – Karma
Posted at 03:42h, 05 NovemberWoooow! Resonates so much!

Did this for myself yesterday and also got 2 pentacles and ace of swords! Best kind of chills now. Thank you
Posted at 14:34h, 09 NovemberAwesome! I love it when that happens! Double clarification LOL. Thank You for tuning in! Xo – Karma
Posted at 03:42h, 05 NovemberThank you Karma. I am finding your readings interesting and insightful.
Posted at 14:37h, 09 NovemberYou’re welcome! Thank you for the kind words! I appreciate you! Xo- Karma
Victoria poole
Posted at 03:04h, 05 NovemberThankyou, definitely resonates…..
Posted at 14:37h, 09 NovemberYou’re welcome, Victoria! I glad that this resonates for you! Xo- Karma
Sarah Louise Nicholls
Posted at 02:56h, 05 NovemberThank you Karma this again resonated with me – I hope he finds the courage to come and talk to me and explain what happened and we can find a way to move forward
Posted at 14:38h, 09 NovemberYou’re welcome, Sarah! Praying for his return and that you receive clarity and healing on this journey! Xo- Karma
Posted at 02:45h, 05 NovemberWow just wow! I fall into group one and everything resonated word for word. My whole process right now. Working on myself and taking my time. Waiting but also deciding whether I want him anymore, whether he ticks all the boxes of what I need right now. Still taking my time. Letting go until I am ready to make a decision.
Posted at 14:40h, 09 NovemberGreat choice! Focus on you and make sure everything aligns before going all in! Praying for continued healing, guidance, and clarity on this journey. Xo- Karma
Jennifer Langford
Posted at 02:09h, 05 NovemberWow thank you I resonated with the hole reading I just wish that the on2 thing I’ve been praying and asking for who it might be if it’s her or not …thank you soon very much ..even as I’m in tears thank you
Posted at 14:45h, 09 NovemberHi Jennifer – I am so glad to hear that this message resonates for you. As you are praying for guidance, make sure to also pray for the eyes to see and the ears to hear His Word – so that when the answers come you won’t miss it. Xo- Karma
Posted at 01:58h, 05 NovemberWauw Karma like it was THE message for me. I am so tired off my toxic marrige that it makes me stronger and also uuhhhh falter (don’t know is the wright word
I know that its time to get out. That the specifik moment will be there soon
The Thats enough monent.
Posted at 14:46h, 09 NovemberAmen! I am glad you received the message! I am praying for your release, and I ask that Holy Spirit guide you, protect you and heal you on this journey. Xo- Karma
Posted at 00:55h, 05 NovemberYou have been right every single week! I mean spot on. Although it’s a struggle for me, I’m learning to be more patient. Thank you.
Posted at 14:48h, 09 NovemberYou’re welcome, S.T., I am glad they are resonating for you! Remember when praying for patience, He will continue to put you into situations where you need to be more patient
Xo- Karma
Jimmy Green
Posted at 00:13h, 05 NovemberThe reading was so on point with how I’ve been feeling I’m speechless I pray I make the right decision I need all the positive things I heard in my family an personal life
Posted at 14:51h, 09 NovemberI’m happy to see it resonates with you. Sending prayers for continued clarity and healing on your journey. Xo- Karma
Kim C
Posted at 00:01h, 05 NovemberThank you Karma! Thank you Spirit, Mother, Father, God! Wonderful reading. I am in the group with the baggage that someone wants to reconcile and I have been waiting and patient doing the internal work… I have been waiting to have a serious conversation with this person and they have told me it would happen over a month ago… Prayers that this is what Spirit moves them to do.
Posted at 14:52h, 09 NovemberYou’re welcome! Praying for clarity in your situation! Xo – Karma
Frankie Ball
Posted at 23:57h, 04 NovemberThank you for the reading. Every time I listen to you are so right. This is why I love listening to you. You do such a great job with the readings. You are always on point thank you and thank you.
Posted at 14:56h, 09 NovemberThank you, Frankie! I appreicate the kind words! You are welcome, and thank you again for tuning in! Xo- Karma
Posted at 23:46h, 04 NovemberThis is awesome!
Thank you Karma, this certainly resonates with me .
Posted at 14:59h, 09 NovemberYou’re welcome, Kecia! Thank you for tuning in! Xo- Karma
Posted at 23:23h, 04 NovemberThank you, Karma!
Posted at 14:59h, 09 NovemberYou’re welcome, Anne-Marie! Thank you for tuning in! Xo- Karma
Posted at 23:13h, 04 NovemberThanks for this it brought me lot of claritybI think I’m ready to let of go of the past
Posted at 15:01h, 09 NovemberHi Lufuno – Sending you love and clarity and healing as you release the past! A beautiful decision to help you propel forward in growth! Xo – Karma
Nina Klein
Posted at 23:07h, 04 NovemberThank you! Fantastic and just the motivation I needed.
Martha Radebe
Posted at 23:35h, 04 NovemberThank you very much Mr Jonathan I’m pleased about my reading keep it up for doing this for us God be with you everyday and be blessed my dear friend thanks for everything.
Posted at 15:01h, 09 NovemberYou’re welcome, Nina! Thank You for tuning in! Xo – Karma
Scott Christopher DeLisa
Posted at 22:49h, 04 NovemberThanks
Posted at 15:02h, 09 NovemberYou’re welcome, Scott! Thank you for tuning in! Xo- Karma
Michelle Sakatian
Posted at 22:49h, 04 NovemberHi Karma,
Wow, thank you so much, that resonated with me in my own current situation, a past lover we were together for ten years . Just suddenly pulled the plug on our relationship even though we weren’t romantic the last 4 years, but we were still best friends . He started to pull away when he moved to his new place . And he is dating someone now, our love and connection is so strong. But he said he doesn’t want us on the same path anymore and that we should take separate journeys . He lied to me and betrayed me . I’m ready to let go, but something won’t let me for some reason.
Posted at 15:03h, 09 NovemberHi Michelle –
Thank you for sharing some of your story with me. Try meditating and praying on the feeling of where you can’t let go. God will use the Holy Spirit to show you what it is and if it is something that needs to be worked on or not. Either way it will bring you clarity of what needs to be done. Sending you love! Xo – Karma
Teresa Sieg
Posted at 22:38h, 04 NovemberThank you for sharing your WONDERFUL GIFT with me….I’m new here! I will pray for thousands of Blessings to shower upon you….I am Amazed that you are a Christian Psychic….that brings me internal peace……
Posted at 23:14h, 04 NovemberHe ghosted me for one and half years I love him so much I have alot of dreams of us together and I see his name everywhere I tried a new relationship and kicked him out 2days ago as I knew he was not for me I seen him for 3mths to try take the pain away from my ghoster but the pain is still there I love him so much and I am a pastors daughter and God keeps showing me he is my husband but yet I’m losing faith so I acted couple days ago and told the new guy to leave it’s over because I’m giving faith and my heart’s desire one more try I trust the Lord with all my heart and I repent for allowing another man to come in my life to distract me from what is really in my heart so Teresa is he coming bk my ghoster or am I crazy
Posted at 15:05h, 09 NovemberThank You!!! This comment means so much to me! Jesus saved my life! I am eternally grateful and will spread his Truth in any place that needs it ;). I pray that the blessings you send to me also multiply to cover you and your family as well. Amen. Xo- Karma
Posted at 22:34h, 04 NovemberWow this totally resonates with me on many levels & I wholeheartedly thank you
Posted at 15:07h, 09 NovemberYou’re welcome, Niecy! I am so happy it resonates with you! Xo – Karma
Posted at 22:11h, 04 NovemberMajority if this resonates with my current situation. I need to move on but something is holding me back. He definitely backed off from our situation and I’m not sure why. I was so content with not taking too him for three weeks and he texted me out of the blue. I really need to let him go, but I’m hopeful that something will happen between us, but my gut is telling me what I want isn’t going to happen. I guess its hard for me to explain. I feel like I’m babbling.
Overall, Karma is awesome! I look forward to her readings. It’s like she knows me personally but there is a big collective.
Posted at 15:18h, 09 NovemberHi Deana –
Thank you for sharing some of your experience with us! And thank you for your kind words and support! I pray that you receive guidance and healing on this journey! Xo- Karma
Cynthia L Wagner
Posted at 22:02h, 04 NovemberHello Karma. According to today’s divine wisdom, it looks like my love story has a good chance. I‘lol stay tuned in! You are a very beautiful and gifted person. Keep up the good works. In the love and light of the Universe, Cynthia
Posted at 15:19h, 09 NovemberHi Cynthia! Thank you for your kind words! Cynthia is my Mother’s name, so it holds a special place in my Heart. Thank you for your support! Xo- Karma
Christina Doracin
Posted at 21:58h, 04 NovemberWow that was fantastic and truly resonated. It affirmed quite a few things so I can be at ease as the next new transition comes to be. Peace and blessings
Posted at 15:19h, 09 NovemberHi Christina – I am happy to hear that this message resonates with you. Thank you for your support! Xo- Karma
Krista McNeese
Posted at 21:56h, 04 NovemberWOW! I broke up with my boyfriend 2 weeks ago. As he left he admitted to cheating on me. I’ve met someone who is nothing like my ex and I’d so.sweet and caring but I’m scared I’m gonna get hurt again. This reading was spot on!! Thank you so much.
Posted at 20:26h, 09 NovemberHi Krista – You are welcome! Thank you for tuning in! I am so glad you resonate with this reading! Xo – Karma
Posted at 21:45h, 04 NovemberSounds like my situation all the way around! You hit everything on the head again. Now, only if he will call or text and let me know what happened.
Posted at 20:27h, 09 NovemberHi Michelle!
Happy to hear it resonates! Thank you for tuning in! Xo – Karma
Priyank Desai
Posted at 21:45h, 04 NovemberHi Karma. Thank you so much for your readings on weekly basis. They seem to be fully accurate.
Posted at 20:29h, 09 NovemberHi Priyank,
You are welcome! Thank you for your support! I am happy to know they resonate! Xo- Karma
deborah morgan
Posted at 21:42h, 04 NovemberThis is Debbie I just listened to you for the first time.But you were talking to me. I have been waiting for my ex husband to make his mind up.And for him to come forth to me.
Posted at 20:30h, 09 NovemberHi Debbie –
Welcome! Thank you for tuning in! I am happy to learn that this message resonates with you! Xo- Karma
Elizabeth king
Posted at 21:34h, 04 NovemberWishing my ex from 3 years ago the I always talked to until a month ago comes back. Tired of being alone but not willing to settle. Love is complicated and hard.
Posted at 23:15h, 04 NovemberThanks for this it brought me lot of clarity I think I’m ready to let of go of the past and focus on my self
Tiffanee Archuleta
Posted at 21:31h, 04 NovemberOK Hooker Batmen and another lesson learned to read before I send my apologies for the misspellings… my smart phone is not so smart
Jose Jr. Vega
Posted at 21:30h, 04 NovemberThat was an awesome reading perfectly describe my situation thank you you are amazing
Posted at 20:32h, 09 NovemberHi Jose,
I’m glad to know this resonates for you! Thank you for tuning in! Xo- Karma
Tanya Bell
Posted at 21:30h, 04 NovemberKarma, u freak me out gurl!! I’m in group 1. Hes a drunk. He’s begging me back. This helps me stand strong in my shoes. I so BADLY want a true authentic love. Time is passing me by. Wasted 5 yr with this jerk & he never gonna change!! Thank you for a bit of hope I will stay away from him. ☆NAMASTE
Posted at 20:45h, 09 NovemberHi Tanya!
Glad to know you resonate with this! Thank you for tuning in! Keep pouring into yourself and the blessings will arrive! Xo – Karma
Posted at 21:28h, 04 Novemberspeechless!!! I thank all that’s above and you for coming into my life at this time!
you’re definitely a blessing in my life… Thank you for helping me here truths when I am fighting letting go of the doubt and myself!
it’s comforting to hear from somebody else I’m not crazy!!!
Posted at 20:44h, 09 NovemberHi Tiffanee!
Thank you so much for your kind words and support! I am so happy to hear that it resonates for you! Praying for continued healing and clarity on this journey! Xo – Karma
David Daines
Posted at 21:27h, 04 NovemberWow. Thus is the second time I’ve heard these messages and I resonate with everything you say, Karma. In this reading I am the second group. Thanks for your remarkable insight and talent.
Best wishes
Posted at 20:53h, 09 NovemberHi David –
You are welcome! Thank you for you support and kind words! I’m happy to see that it resonates for you! Xo – Karma
Sheila Powell
Posted at 21:25h, 04 NovemberThank you so much for all the guidance it’s making my life decisions a little easier as I move forward in life with this confusing relationship. I want to say thanks for the heads up into moving on in my life. Blessings be with you and all you do too!
Melissa Graham
Posted at 22:29h, 04 NovemberThis definately hit home thank you as always
Posted at 20:57h, 09 NovemberHi Melissa! You are welcome! Thank you for tuning in! Xo – Karma
Posted at 20:55h, 09 NovemberHi Sheila!
You are welcome! I owe all grace and gratitude to God for allowing me to channel these messages. I am happy to know that you resonate with this reading! Xo – Karma
anna marie faccone
Ann Marie Ashton
Posted at 22:42h, 04 NovemberVery true to my situation . God bless.
Posted at 21:00h, 09 NovemberHi Anna –
Thank you so much for your kind words! I appreciate your message! Praying for continued healing and clarity and abundance on your journey! Xo – Karma
Posted at 21:23h, 04 NovemberI’m part of the first group that you spoke of, and yet again, pretty much everything you said has resonated with me. I’m currently trying to work out whether I should continue with my current connection because it’s been such a bumpy roller coaster. I’m totally in love which is why I’ve stayed, but I also know that if things keep going the way that they have done in the past, it’s just not going to work. I’m still undecided, but being patient seems to be a common theme for me as well. I guess I’ll have the answer soon enough. I’m hopeful that my wish will be fulfilled. Thank you for your guidance
Posted at 21:05h, 09 NovemberHi Jess –
You are welcome. I am grateful that this message has reached you! Praying for a breakthrough for you! Xo- Karma
Posted at 21:23h, 04 NovemberYou are Amazing…Truly Blessed and Everything you said was correct.
Posted at 21:06h, 09 NovemberHi Jamie –
Thank you for your kind words, I appreciate it! All glory to God, He makes all of this possible. Xo – Karma
Posted at 21:16h, 04 NovemberWoow you are in your peas and Qs..woow yes I’m healing and trying to get a better job and move on…I no longer want to live in pain I have to move forward because nothing will ever change for me if I don’t move forward thanks so much again thank you
Posted at 21:14h, 09 NovemberHi Carrie –
Sending you so much love on this journey, and a huge kudos for choosing yourself! I know that the journey is difficult but you are almost there! Praying for continued protection and guidance from the Holy Spirit. Xo – Karma
Dorothy Section
Posted at 21:14h, 04 NovemberKarma your the best and yes this resonates with me. I’ve been working hard on myself and I can truly say that I’ve grown and learned alot from my past mistakes etc….thanks again I hope the next time me and my partner will be together and waiting is something that I’ve been doing a while now and so I do understand that it’s a must.
Posted at 21:17h, 09 NovemberHi Dorothy –
You are welcome and thank you for tuning in! Xo – Karma
Jennifer Robertson
Posted at 21:08h, 04 NovemberI was engaged from the first word, it was if you were speaking directly to me and speaking about my current and past situation. I am going through so much right now in my life, from every single angle and direction life can throw at me. I need a personal reading, I just can’t afford one right now, do you do free readings ever? If so I sure could use one, I may not be in a position to pay at this time, but one day in the near future I would contribute to the cause. I appreciate you and love hearing you read, thank you so much, I’ll be sure to stay tuned in every week now. Again, thank you
Lois Michelle Smallwood
Posted at 21:07h, 04 NovemberI felt like you were directly talking to me I really needed to hear this because you nailed it right on the head I am waiting and deciding and Waiting for the truth that’s why he did it and everything he’s done since he left me because I know everything I just want to see if he’s gonna admit it I really love this man and I’m hoping we can move forward and I can let this be the past but I’m not sure if I can or not I hope so thank you so much I really look forward to your weekend prediction
Janelle Fleck
Posted at 21:00h, 04 NovemberKarma every one of your weekly readings has been SPOT ON. Even though it’s for the collective, it’s exactly accurate to what I’m going through right now with my POI, I don’t know how you do this! I’d love a private reading if you can do one.
Marta Hristova
Posted at 20:53h, 04 NovemberThank you so much Karma for your wonderful readings. They always resonate with what is going on in my love life. I feel like it’s a personal reading just for me!!! I so much need these messages and guidance right now. They give me insight and clarity. Thank you and God bless you!!!
Posted at 21:22h, 09 NovemberHi Marta –
You’re welcome! Thank you for tuning in! Glad to know that you are connecting with these messages! Xo- Karma
M Carmen Rodriguez
Posted at 20:48h, 04 NovemberLove to listen to you each week, seems as if sometimes you are talking to just me. Thank you
Posted at 23:30h, 09 NovemberYou are welcome! Thank you for your support and so happy that they are resonating for you! Xo – Karma
Maude Arianne
Posted at 20:05h, 04 NovemberThank you Karma, this resonates so much. I am very grateful for you and what you do!
Posted at 23:31h, 09 NovemberThank You, Maude for your support and comment! I appreciate you! Xo – Karma
Raphany Miguez
Posted at 16:13h, 04 NovemberOnce more I am appalled by how much this reading resonates with my current life situations. It’s really impressive and it brings me a bit more of hope ( which I am not sure it’s good). I finally managed to purchase my private reading and I am anxious to receive it. Thank you, Karma for your gifted skill! You are light and I feel it even by a continent of distance.
Posted at 23:32h, 09 NovemberHi Raphany,
I love your name! You are welcome! Thank you for tuning in! So happy that they connect for you! Xo – Karma
Posted at 15:43h, 04 NovemberTruly amazing. And so Amazing that so many others have this ringing true also. So fascinating. I so appreciate your in-depth explanations as well as your asking spirit for further clarity for us. Thank you Karma

Posted at 23:32h, 09 NovemberHi Karin-
You are welcome! Thank you for your support and your comment, I truly appreciate the love. I am happy that you are connecting with the messages! Xo – Karma
Posted at 14:45h, 04 NovemberThank You, this reading is just on point <3
Posted at 23:34h, 09 NovemberHi Anna –
You are welcome! I am so happy it connected for you! Xo – Karma
Posted at 13:06h, 04 NovemberWow! For someone who has been using logic all her life and until recently wasn’t convinced about tarot reading, this is unbelievable. Feels like you are in my head Karma, just reading everything like an open book and talking to me directly about things that happend and what I’m thinking. Just unbelievable…
Posted at 10:16h, 04 NovemberI love this blog and the past few love readings have really resonated for me. I keep waiting for the return of someone either for closure or reconciliation. My heart was so broken I don’t think I’d ever been so broken in my life.
Posted at 23:35h, 09 NovemberHi Chelyn,
Sending you much love and healing on this journey. I pray the Holy Spirit to cover and protect you, lead you and guide you, heal you and fill you! Amen! Xo – Karma
Posted at 03:48h, 04 NovemberThank you!!! So true.
Brenda D Anderson
Posted at 08:01h, 05 NovemberThank you, for your reading I love it I thank you I appreciate it very much
Posted at 23:35h, 09 NovemberYou’re welcome, Anh!
Katherina O'Neil
Posted at 19:30h, 03 NovemberIt always resonates with my love situation. I m in the first group and everything just hits home. Thank you Karma for bringing always messages and guidance from the Spirit
Posted at 23:36h, 09 NovemberHi Katherina –
You are welcome! Thank you for your support and tuning in! Praying for continued healing and clarity for you on this journey! Xo – Karma