17 Aug Find Your Joy | Weekend Tarot Love Reading | 8/18 – 8/20
Do you ever feel pessimistic about your prospects in love? Galena the Mystic says this weekend is a perfect time to get yourself out of an emotional rut, and back in touch...
Do you ever feel pessimistic about your prospects in love? Galena the Mystic says this weekend is a perfect time to get yourself out of an emotional rut, and back in touch...
Sometimes the line between love and fantasy can be hard to see...
Have unhealthy compromises made your love life feel unsustainable? Galena says the coming weekend is a great time to release what has been...
Have you been held back by old toxic patterns? Galena says this weekend is a great time to release old patterns and open...
Have you felt stuck in your love life lately? Galena says the coming weekend provides you the opportunity to shake things up and embody...
Have you felt like your love life has been turbulent lately? Galena says the coming weekend provides you the opportunity to step into a new season of happiness and emotional...
Have you been waiting for things to turn around in your love life? Galena the Mystic says this weekend could bring the start of powerful good fortune in your love life...
Have you been making the right choices in love lately? Galena the Mystic says this weekend could bring a positive, romantic breakthrough that could change...
Do you believe in true love? Galena the Mystic says this weekend could bring an opportunity to examine an old, limiting mindset...
Have you been waiting...