02 Nov Something More To Be Revealed | Weekend Tarot Love Reading | 11/03 – 11/05
Does it ever seem like your love life doesn’t match your thoughts about it? Galena the Mystic says this weekend could bring...
Does it ever seem like your love life doesn’t match your thoughts about it? Galena the Mystic says this weekend could bring...
Could it be time to release someone from your past? Galena the Mystic says this weekend could bring powerful emotions to the surface ...
Do you ever feel like hiding when you realize you've make a mistake? Galena the Mystic says this weekend could bring up uncomfortable...
Do you ever feel like hiding when you realize you've make a mistake? Galena the Mystic says this weekend could bring up uncomfortable...
Does it ever feel like you're getting the short end of the stick in your relationships? Galena the Mystic says this weekend could bring you justice...
Has a recent misunderstanding caused an upset in your love life? Galena the Mystic says this weekend is a perfect time to clear up illusions, confusion...
Do you ever wonder if the effort you're putting into someone is really worth it? Galena the Mystic says this weekend might bring delays...
Do you ever feel like you give more than others when it comes to love? Galena the Mystic says this weekend might bring a situation...
Have certain fears around love been holding you back? This weekend, Galena the Mystic says it's a perfect time to tune into feelings...
Do you ever feel pessimistic about your prospects in love? Galena the Mystic says this weekend is a perfect time to get yourself out of an emotional rut, and back in touch...