04 Mar Karmic Breakthrough Ahead | Weekend Love Reading | 3/4 – 3/6
It looks like you could be in one of those phases where love just isn’t working the way you want it to. You might be feeling totally scrunched up against the wall, and like...
It looks like you could be in one of those phases where love just isn’t working the way you want it to. You might be feeling totally scrunched up against the wall, and like...
Your purpose and your destiny are calling out to you. You might feel motivated to act on something you’ve known about for a while, or your next steps could show up as brand new and totally unexpected...
Does it ever feel like the Universe isn’t listening to you? It can be so frustrating to set intentions, try your best, and ask for guidance in your love life, only to be ...
Get ready, because you could experience a big dose of manifestation power in the week ahead. Is there something you’ve wanted for a while? Well, it’s possible that the path to getting...
this weekend offers a powerful opportunity for you to bring any hidden fears or unspoken tension to light so you can receive the kind of love your heart truly longs for...
You could feel some delicious motivation this week. Which might shake things up, and get your life moving in interesting ways. Whether you get inspired by a new idea...
With Valentine's day on Monday, this weekend love reading could be exactly the kind of shake up you need before the big day of love. Transformation is definitely in the air, whether that means a...
There is powerful abundance swirling into your life right now, including the potential for love! This week could bring what you need to get out of a rut, and onto happier and healthier experiences...
While there’s always room for improvement, the truth of the matter is, right now, you are headed in the right direction. If you don’t feel it yet, then don’t be surprised if you...
This week you are shedding unnecessary layers and remembering what inspires you. The energy will be seeping into your life in a number of ways and the results could be exactly...